Chapter Three

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Tooth POV

It annoyed me so much.

Jack and Elsa have been getting more and more closer ever since Friday. What did they do!

Make out!

Elsa has been sitting with is everyday now.

Jack sees me picking at my food and throwing glares at Elsa.

He's to oblivious for realizing I loved him.

The Winter Dance was coming up! I could ask Jack before he can ask Elsa.

Even if he said no he knew I would never talk to him again.

So now is the time. I will ask him the day of the dance so he couldn't have a choice.

Elsa POV

I don't know why but Tooth the only girl on the ROG kept on giving me glares.

What did I do!

I decided to try and talk to her.

"Hey tooth?" I called to her.

"Yes?!" She glared at me.

"Uh what did you get on the math test? I thought of.

"Oh I got a C."

"Cool I got an A."

I hear her mumble goodie goodie. At me.

"So have you guys asked any girls yet?" Bunny asked.

"I was going to ask Sara." Sandy spelled out. Jack explained to me that Sara was also mute but ask her to what?

"Uh why do you need to ask girls?" I asked as Tooth snorted.

"To the winter dance of course." North answered.

"Oh." I said under my breath.

"You didn't know there was one?" Sandy spelled.

I shook my head.

"Who are you going with?" Jack asked smiling.

"I-I'm uh." Everyone started to stare at me. "I-m not going."

"Why?" Jack asked sounding concerned.

I couldn't tell them so I ran off I heard Jack and Anna shouting my name but I just kept running I ran all the way to the back of the school began to cry.

I still remember the memory I cried for a long time until Anna and Jack found me.

Anna POV

"ELSA!" I heard Jack yell so I ran up to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Elsa she ran away. I asked her if she was going to the dance and she said no so I asked why and she ran away so you know how fast she is?"

"Where did she go?" I asked.

"She went that way I think." Jack pointed to the left hall.

We ran as fasted as we could.

"Hey Anna?" Jack asked.


"Why did Elsa run away?" He asked I nearly tripped at that.

"Promise you won't tell anyone." I stopped running.


"Well it was when we lived back in San Francisco. Elsa was in sixth grade. Hey best friend Taylor was having a party. And Elsa said that Taylor like Elsa's friend Miles, Taylor said that she liked him and so did Elsa. When Elsa got asked to Taylor's party by Aiden, Taylor was heartbroken so at the party Elsa was wearing her favorite clothes then Taylor poured a punch bowl and everyone threw cake at her then laughed including Miles. After that Elsa shut everyone out even her family and she never made any friends besides me. Until she meet you she started coming out of her room more ate dinner with us even she started taking ice skating again. But if there's a party ever even a birthday family party she still refuses to go." I finished.

"Wow we have to find her now." Jack started running off but I stopped him.

"We should split up." Jack suggested. I nodded.

We split up I went to see if she went back and Jack went to go look outside.

Jack POV

Where was she!

I've been looking for an hour now.

I ran to the back of the school to see Elsa crying there.

I quickly ran up to her.

She looked up at me with red hurt eyes. I flinched for a second then hugged her.

She hugged me back crying into my shoulder.

I let go of her to see what she had to say.

"Sorry that I got your shirt wet." She sniffed.

"It's fine it's and old one anyway."

"I'm sorry I ran away its just that-."

"Elsa I know what happened Anna told me." I sat down next to her.

"It's fine I was going to tell you soon but I couldn't it's just that it was so hard for me Taylor was my best friend it's not my fault Miles kissed me." She hugged her knees. "It's just that she was my best friend and so was Taylor they were my only friends. I was lucky to have them around I was always picked on. I don't know why. When she dumped punch on me I was heartbroken. I was thinking Miles was going to help me but. He just laughed at me. And then everyone threw cake at me including him. I was homeschooled until freshman year. I had to move from another high school to this one. You don't know what it's like Jack." She looked up at me. "Your so cool and have so many friends and everyone likes you." She started to cry again. "You have a perfect life Jack. Perfect." She hid into her knees and began to sob.

She didn't know I should tell her.

"Actually I've never had a perfect life." She looked up and me confused. "I was bullied too for a long time because I never had a mom. I was always the new kid everywhere I went. My mom died when I was two so I never knew her. She committed suicide after giving birth to my younger sister Sophie. She was depressed." I paused for a second. "I was there with her." Tears threatened to fall out of my eyes. "She took me to a very tall building I had no clue why. She took a gun out of her purse she set I down then went to hug me." I was now crying. "She told me that she loved me. Then goodbye. She went to the edge of the building but before she did she have me this bracelet." I held my hand up so Elsa could see it. It had a gold diamond shape. In the middle it said her name on it. "Then she ran back to the edge I was frozen In shook she put the gun to her head then pulled it. I ran after her trying to catch her body from falling. It was too late. I don't remember anything after that. I never knew why she did it. I was like you. Picked on ,never had any friends, until North helped me and we meet Bunny Tooth and Sandy. I never thought I could do anything ever again." I looked down at Elsa who had her hand over her mouth refusing to look at me.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Don't be. Its not your fault."

"Yes it is! If I wouldn't have been pathetic I wouldn't have had to reminded you!" She screamed.

"Elsa that image falls into my mind every time I go to sleep." I looked away from her. "Come on we need to go." I helped her up.

"Where?" She asked me.

"Home." I answered her.

I took her hand and dragged her to my house.

"Jack." She asked me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I'm going to the dance." She plopped on the coach.

"Really?!" I was shocked.

"Yeah besides nothing bad can happen."

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