Chapter Two

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Jacks POV

"Hi Jack." The girl said.

"Uhh hi?" I answered back.

"I'm Tess you know we can hang out sometime whenever your not hanging out with this bitch." She said licking her lips.

Angry filled my throat. Who the hell was this chick!? Know what I don't care.

"No thanks I don't usually go out with hookers like you so my answer is no." That felt good.

"Whatever you say babe." She blew a kiss at me at before she walked away she glared at Elsa.

"OH AND DONT CALL ELSA A BITCH BITCH!" I yelled after "Tess".

Elsa POV

Me Jack were talking in class before the bell rang.

The girl I seen on the first day of school cam up to us.

"Hi Jack." The girl said.

"Uhh hi?" Jack said.

"I'm Tess you know we can hang out sometime whenever your not hanging out with this bitch." She said licking her lips.

I was shocked wow this chick is bad news.

My eyes started to water and my cheeks got red with embarrassment.

"No thanks I usually don't go out with hookers like you so my answer is no." I can't believe he stood up for me. I smiled a little.

"Whatever you say babe." Blew a kiss at Jack glared at me and walked off.

"OH AND DONT CALL ELSA A BITCH BITCH!" Jack yelled after her.


After school me and Anna walked home since we lived a block away and funny thing is Jack lives next door.

Anna kept talking about how she meet a boy named Hans who she hated a Kristofff who she liked I guess.

When we got to our house I smelled potatoes with steak.

"Mom were home." Anna called we threw our backpack down and Anna ran to the kitchen as I follow along.

"Mom you know-."

Yea I know I made you some salad." She cut me off.

I'm a veggie ion I just don't agree with people killing animals so we can just have food. When you eat meat your takings someone's life.

We ate dinner small talk.

"Where's dad?" Anna asked.

"In his office." Mrs. Arendall answered. "He has to get some of his work done."

We ate dinner slowly it seemed like it would never end.

Whenever Anna tried to make convosation I shut her down and was thinking.

I was thinking of no clue what I was doing.

"Elsa are you okay?" Anna asked as I fell out of the daydream.

"Yeah I'm fine why?" I picked at my food.

"Because you were smiling like crazy and your eyes were getting soft."

"Oh because I'm pretty sure I Aced a testy" I lied.

"You have a crush don't you!" Anna yelled.

"Anna keep it down." I didn't want my father to find out.

"OMG you have your first crush!" I shouted even louder.

Since we had thin walls I bet Jack could hear every word.

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