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The rest of the day went by fast and Blu, Charge, Dread and I were officially best friends. We all pinky promised. To three four year olds and a seven year old that really mattered, especially when we got an unwanted surprise that day at home.
We each had a parent that had been working for The Watching in some way. Dread's father was a soldier, Charge's a law man, Blu's mother kept record of financial's for higher ups and Father was a general, an Eye they're called. They had all been accused of theft, murder and/or aggravated assault.
     When Father came to pick me up that day, he didn't say a word to me just kept the same angry yet emotionless stare. At the time, I didn't understand why, but as I got older, I understood that there was nothing to say. He started acting differently, both of my parents did. As he began to grow colder, my mother began to grow more careful and protective of me. One day, he grew violent. With the first few given fits of abuse, she fought back but the more she fought the longer the punishment. She quickly learned just take what was given.

One day in 4th year, she got sick. I didn't know what she caught, but the beatings didn't end. It caused her to bruise easier and the bleeding took longer to stop. She grew pale and thin, her appetite weakened and one day when my father's strength knocked her to the unconscious, I feared the worst. That day when Father stormed off, I darted to Blu's house and got her and her father who was thankfully a doctor. That day, my father stole from me.

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