Mistake number 9

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The week went by as fast as it had started. Xeha's first day had been hectic but after that he learned to just move with the flow. Everyday, it started with Eraqus usually picking him up, walking to school and back. As unnerving how the first day had ended, neither of them would bring that up. Sure, he wasn't about to cry over spilt milk but his first kiss should have meant something. He had all the rights to be mad at the raven but he wasn't. Apparently, he didn't mind if it was Eraqus. On second thought, he hadn't even known that Eraqus was into guys!

It was one thing that neither of them dated anybody for the past 16 years pf their lives. I was just testing it. His words hadn't made the least sense to Xehanort. What was he testing? Their friendship? How to kiss someone? The possibilities ran endlessly through his mind. He felt like screaming into the pillow for all the times Eraqus somehow acted cool or preserved. Had he always been this way?

Xeha's head was spinning. It was a Sunday and he was thinking about his best friend who was probably already on his way to that program he mentioned. A week without Eraqus, he wondered what he would do for the time being. A lot of people had started talking to him lately. Some he liked, some he wasn't that comfortable with -you know who-. He also started befriending a couple of juniors too. They were nice, Sora and his companions didn't seem to mind how fast he explained Newton's laws.

A cheerful group. He didn't remember anybody else before Eraqus. Other than plain blank faces with no meaning. He sighed and muttered to himself, "There I go again, thinking about you." Tried eyes closed, intending to get more rest before there was a knock on his door.

"Xeha," his uncle had opened the door as he settled to sit up from his bed. "Someone's here to see you." A few seconds past before he realised his heart had stopped when he remembered. With wishful thinking, he hoped that it wasn't that guy.


And as always, luck is never on my side.

"So when have you two gotten close" from where he stood, Ansem was sure he knew all of his nephew's friends -friend; Eraqus-, this boy he welcomed in wasn't anybody familiar. He might've well be a senior even with how older he looked compared to those two.

Xigbar politely nodded after taking a sip at the orange juice Ansem had prepared. "Oh me and Xeha? Even since I handed him my notes-"

Xigbar started to make conversation with his uncle. For what reason was beyond Xeha's knowing as he struggled to put on these forsaken pair of jeans. All the while landing on his butt while he was at it.

He could probably hear light chuckles downstairs from his room. Stopping by a mirror, he fixed a bit of his hair -for looking decent's sake and not like a total hillbilly- because he was apparently going on a date with Xigs group. Hardly called it a date honestly.

"Ah, you're finally ready. I'd thought you'd forget." Xigbar looked up as the silver-nette went down the stairs. "Good thing I came here early."

"Too early." It was nine in the fucking morning. He shouldn't be surprised if Xeha gets cranky in the middle of this so called date. "Ah come on, you would've bailed on me if I didn't come pick you up." A smirk crawled up his lips. "I parked at the front. Let's go." He whistled as he turned and walked towards the front door.

All Xehanort had brought with him was his satchel that contained not so important items other than his phone. He walked behind his long ponytailed senior as they both stopped in front of the porch. "See you late, Uncle Ansem."

"Have fun, kid."

Then he added, "I'll make sure to bring him home before dark."

Xeha hadn't quite catch the last part of this uncle's words as he was being tugged towards Xigs car. Yet he was sure he heard something along the line of you better.

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