Mistake number 12

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"You what?!"

His back stood straight from his chair at the strict voice

He told him. He actually told him and was getting yelled at through the phone. The voice of his beloved best friend, ringing directly in his ear and abusing his eardrums. "Look, it's not what you think-". "Not what I think?! You went on a date, without telling me and overall with them of all people?!". Xeha sighed through the phone, "I'm telling you now, aren't I?". Eraqus was definitely sending death glares at him through his cell. It radiated and Xeha wasn't so sure if he should continue this conversation or just let Era cool off first.

The thoughts in his head grew heavily at this. It was either he told Eraqus himself or the other eventually finding out. The latter option would've ended even worse. Who knows how many people from school were at that festival? Aside from Sora's group, of course. Yet, still would've made Eraqus more mad at him for keeping secrets.

"Can you just please listen to me?"

"Why should I? You apparently have no problem not listening to me!"

Xeha went dead silent after that. Still keeping his friend on the other end of the line. A sigh was heard from the latter.

"I didn't mean to yell... I'm just- I told you they were trouble." From Xeha's end of the line, he could tell from Eraqus' voice that his friend was trying to soften his words. A hint of disappointment was felt too. So, he tried to reason. "They didn't get me into any trouble" he was finding his own words, "and it was hardly a date. We only hang out, is all."

He left the part where it was partially a date at the beginning with Xigbar. Knowing too well that would make Eraqus more upset if he did.

"Why did you agree in the first place?" Came the question, coldly.

"They," he decided to not mention who or which one, "helped me get out of a session with Mr. Eden in class."

There came a short silence on Eraqus' part. As if, he were processing the things Xeha decided not to keep from him and things that had happened since last week. Which was; this was the first time he'd mention Eden since then. "I thought you liked that teacher?" Words took time to form in his head before Eraqus continued, "What changed?"

'What changed?' Everything .

His passion in writing

View of school

Thought process

How he looks himself in the mirror

But... he couldn't tell Eraqus that! It would be too much to set up a story time of his mental breakdown. That would make his best friend dislike him even more... right?

"I-" the river under his skin was growing hotter. A heat he didn't know of until he took notice in it. "I just don't know yet." Even he wasn't sure if that was a lie or not. "You don't? So you decided you didn't like him one day and went for the Queen Bees instead." 'They came to me.'

Part of that accusation, made his blood start to boil. "I didn't go to them-". "But you also didn't stop them."

There, another pause and Xeha didn't know what else to say to his best friend. Eraqus was just equally silent. Then the next time he heard his voice were of warnings. "They'll burry you Xe. So deep that even I'll not recognise you anymore. I don't want you to change-" a familiar voice came next to that


"I've dealt with them before." When was that? He continued. "And they'll hurt you." Eraqus sounded more sympathetic than he should be for Xeha. Were they that bad? Did Eraqus know them that well to out such accusations on them?

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