Trick Hug

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Alex POV

I liked Y/N for a while now, but I never show a hint of my feelings toward her. She might find it weird or something, that caused me to ignore her a lot. It was sad seeing her trying to catch my attention frequently, after a few days I was suprised to see her not paying attention to me, she also looked kind of down in the dumps, she wasn't usually like this...Is it my fault?


"I think he doesn't like me Ani.." I said weakly to my friend Ani during lunch. "Y/N he does like you, maybe he's just not an attentive guy?" "Maybe" I let out a gasp, causing Ani to jump a bit. "I have an idea!" "Better not be a stupid one" Ani suggested.


Alex POV

Just as I got up and started to pack my things, I felt a tap on my shoulder, 'probably Aksel' I thought, "Yeah dude?" I turned around to see Y/N. "Wow, funny of you to assume I'm a guy" she replied. 'Fuck, what do I do now? This is literally the first time I'm talking to her' my mind scrambled around with thoughts. "Alex..?" "YEaH?" I said rather loudly. 'I'm such a SMOOTH talker' I thought. "Can you make a circle with your arms and close your eyes?" She asked, what a simple thing to do. Feeling confident I did what I was told to do with ease. "You can open them now" as I opened my eyes, my face turned bright red when she was in the circle, hugging me back, I decided to take it a step further by actually hugging her. "Cute" "No you" I replied.

Bonus short:
"Whats that?" Henry asked as he and the gang peered into Aksel's phone, it was a photo of Alex hugging Y/N. "Hey" Alex whispered behind them causing all of them to jump, they expected a more mad Alex, but he was suprisingly calm, "send that to me on Snapchat later" he continued.
Part 2?

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