Daryl's POV Chapter 7 Beautiful Disaster

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When Lisa arrived I informed her that Jewel was upstairs still asleep and she should wake her, and she bopped off all bubbly and blond to go do the task at hand. Hmm... I do like blondie. In another life we could have been a lot of fun.  I finish piling the food on the tray and take it upstairs to them. Jewel definitely looks like she has seen better mornings. I guess that's what you get when you stay up until dawn drinking. 

I get her something for the headache I am sure she has , but pass it off as concern. It is concern just because I know the truth. I sigh. There has been a tension between us basically since everything happened. I mean initially while the shock of it still clung to the air she did too, but since she has been rather disinterested, which I get, but Damn! It's been hard to be so close to her and be so hands off. 

I grab my clothes for the day and remind her about the limo. I am actually very much looking forward to today. I have a very specific vision for her. I am just hoping to find the right designer to help me execute it, and I just want her to have the most perfect day ever.  She deserves everything. I am hoping this will be just the thing to pull her out of this funk she has been.  I need to remind her of all the things that are to come. We are just getting started. My life was finally looking better, for like the first time ever. 

Honestly though business couldn't be better. It has really blown up since Jewel took over the books completely. Maybe it's because I have more time to focus on the running of the business, instead of relying on someone else to pick up my slack there.  I go to my office to put on more then just my basketball shorts. Then I move on to the only other thing I have done everyday since all this went down, other than worry about Jewel. I call my lawyer. 

I have sent him to Miguel countless times to now avail. I have sent countless other lawyers. I new one everyday, hoping he would just take any of them.  He has sent them all away the lawyer tells me there is no one left to send that is worth sending and he is not as my lawyer going to allow me to waste any more of my money. Jewel appears in the doorway with Lisa looking at me through the glass of the double French doors. I hold up the universal one minute signal, and I see Lisa spirit her off.

I find something suspicious about that, but I am not yet done telling my attorney what I think about him making decisions for me. How much trouble can they get into in just a few minutes? Then I remember Jewel's late night drinking and the fact that I got the limo equipped with a full bar, for mimosas. My attorney wins this round as I hang up and grab my hat on the way out. I jet out the door and into the limo and sure enough the two of them are giggling away mimosas in hand. I knew the blond was up to no good. I think that's why I like her though.

I slide in next to Jewel, and Lisa hands me a flute of my own. Jewel bats her lashes at me doing a very good job of being coy. That is better then cold.  Although it quickly turns that way when I mention the baby topic. So maybe I will leave that alone until after the wedding. I do my best  to smooth it over. Its supposed to be a very happy day, and I can't wait to bring my vision of her to light. I know it seems strange, but I love seeing her in the things a have designed for her. She is far too perfect to be in simple things. 

We have all finished our mimosas and she is pouting over her second. I offered her an apology all I can do is sit back and hope she doesn't choose to be angry all throughout what is supposed to be a very happy day. Her moods have been very unpredictable  lately. I am not sure what to do but wait it out.

After she finishes pouting her and Lisa pour over her choices of dresses in the limo. I attempt to peer at the items on the screen over her shoulder the curiosity getting the better of me. I was especially curious over the one they were both squealing over, but the angle of the screen and the light reflecting from it blocks whatever view I could have. I would like to know whatever she has in mind over there, even if whatever is on that screen I know isn't good enough for her unless it was custom made for her.

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