Psych. Ward 9

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Emma - 17 

Vodka, the best antidote to a bad day; Jack Daniels is and always will be my best friend; Beer is better with cookies then milk. All these things may seem strange to you but really, to me, they aren't. You could say I have problems but that would be an under exaggeration of things, just by a little. My parents are divorced, my mom sleeps around a bit and my dad's an alcoholic. And me, in case you are a little slow with things? Like father like daughter, I'm an alcoholic as well; I have also dabbled around in drugs but nothing serious. I didn't plan on O.D-ing, it just kind of happened.

Caden - 17

6 months or less, that's how long I have to live. Lung cancer is the culprit of this foul and unfair battle due to years of smoking, so maybe I did provoke it. No, I'm not crying about my problems and I'm not really sure if I'm depressed or not, but I think I am. I like to think that I live life to the fullest: parties, alcohol, Life! So yes, I do stupid things. And yes, I still smoke. But why the hell should I care about you and you about me? I'm counting down the days.

Hailey - 16 

I'm skittish, I jump at the slightest noise, and I'm an emotional wreck. Or at least on the inside I am, but I guess that's what years of abuse does to a person. On the outside, I'm emotionless, badass, some would even say scary though I like to call it intimidating. And what of my dear, dear mother? She is too pissed off at the world to give me a second thought. You are probably thinking "Oh! That is so sad. I feel sorry for this girl!" Don't! I stopped caring a long time ago and you should too. I'm so passed the point of caring that I just want it to end.

Joey - 17

I have many enemies, and they want me dead. That is totally fine with me as long as they succeed. I know what you're thinking "Is he suicidal, insane, stupid?" the answer is all of the above. I'm badass, I'm mean, I'm not smart, and I'm scary. That, my friends, is what I like call a façade. An act I should win an Emmy for. Why I am like this, is a good question. My family loves me, I have friends, girls fall over me but I'm stressed. There is so much pressure, too much pressure for me to handle.

All of the kids above are admitted in to the psychiatric ward. They all go to the same school, see each other in the hallways. But now it's about to get intense. This is about confronting your feelings, love, death, dying, depression, and being a teenager. All of which are problems each and everyone of us will face, though some more then others.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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