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"Morning." Emilia said kissing me on the head as she slid out of bed and started to get changed into the white summer dress she had worn sometime last year when I was still teaching and last week to our new friends called Amy and Justin's house party, but it wouldn't fit no matter what angle her belly was to big. "It fit last week." she exclaimed as I nodded my head in agreement and she stepped on the weighing scales. "13 stone!" she said stepping off. "I was 10 last week." she said sitting down. "Maybe the hospital got it wrong maybe you are pregnant." I told her with a smile. "Maybe." she said smiling back.
"But the hospital almost never get it wrong." She told me as her smile faded I got out of bed in my boxers and put my arm around her and pulled her close so I could kiss her head. "We did go 3 days earlier than your meant to so maybe we just weren't ready to be checked." I said cuddling her closer smiling and kissing her head.

At breakfast I made us eggs, bacon, beans and toast with guess what? a coffee. We can't help but love coffee especially Starbucks because just who doesn't love a Cotten candy frap on the specials menu or the pumpkin spice coffee in autumn. "I do love it when you make me breakfast." Emilia said to me when we sat at the table because she always makes breakfast for us. "Well I love cooking for you, occasionally." I replied. "What's that supported to mean?" Emilia asked acting sarcastic and hurt.

Eventually Emilia gave in and let me take her to the hospital to get checked up ... after We bought both of us penny boards. So we got our shoes on and decided to walk seen as though the penny board store was just round the corner literately.

When we walked into the shop it was full of these bright, dark, colourful plastic skate boards and my eyes turned to one especially it was red with blue wheels so I grabbed a box and said to Annie with a smile "I've chosen mine." And she replied " I can't decide I like the pastel blue, pink and yellow one with the pastel pink wheels, but I also like the mint green with the pink wheels." she said staring between the two. "I'll buy you both." I said smiling at her. "Thanks." She said kissing we and grabbing both the boxes and we put all three on the counter.

After I payed the man about $200 we walked out the shop and all the way home to get in the car.

When we got to the hospital we checked in with the reception lady and was directed to a cream coloured waiting room with blue seats. Me and Emilia sat down in a corner and she put her hands on her belly. After a hour of waiting we still haven't been called in but all of a sudden Emilia said "Max feel my belly." and that's what I did I put my hand on her belly and I could fell something, a little kick. Emilia face just lit up as she beamed "you're right I am pregnant." and just at that moment a doctor came into the room and told is to follower her. She led us into a biggish room with a bed and a lot of equipment and Emilia had to take her top off again and I sat by her side as the nurse put that gel on Emilia's belly and put on the scanner.

The nurse didn't take too long to say your six months pregnant but it took her at least fifteen minutes to announce "It's a girl." I leaned over and kissed Emilia on the forehead as her smile grew like a cheshire cat we where the happiest couple alive. We walked (danced) out of the hospital and I just grabbed her waist and said "Number 5, check." At first Emilia looked confused and said "You remember me telling you about my top ten things to do in life when I first met you in that cafe." "Of corse I do." I said smiling at her then kissing her on the lips. "I remember all of them, 1. To meet the man of my dreams, check." I started and then continued. "Number 2. Get engaged, check. 3. Get pregnant, check. 4. Live in England, check. 5. Live in America, check. 6. go to Tokyo, we can make that happen. 7. Get married, we can make that happen. 8. Help a child that struggles, check." then Emilia said "Who have I helped?" "Millie, you might not have realised but the slits on her wrist are because she had or still had a hard life at school, people would say things about her, make up lies, and make her feel bad and she used to come to me for help and I would help her, she would come to me crying and then one day she went to far in the yard." I told her. "What did she do?" Emilia asked. "She hit one of the girls in the face and told her to stop then they got in a fight, that's why she has a cut below her right ear, the girl scratched her back and they ended up in a fist fight I was on duty and I had to break them up and I'm telling you it wasn't easy." "Oh." she replied. "Number 9." I continued when we got into the car. "To own a swimming pool in the garden, check. Number 10. To die happy and free. "I can't believe you remember it." Emilia told me as I put the car key into the car and we set off back home.

When we got home it was time for tea so I made us pizza and salad for a celebratory meal, after I rang Katy, my mum Susan, My cousins Erica, Charlotte, Jamie, Zachary and Lennie and Annie rang her mum, Bothers Bryan and Ryan and found out they had got over there illnesses and her Nona and Papa to tell them that Annie was pregnant with a little girl.

After tea and all the phone calls we and Emilia decided to go and have a walk by the beach so Emilia got on her mint green vans and I got my red vans on and we set off. The beach looked very pretty when the sun was setting, thee was still quite a fair bit of sand that hadn't been hit by the water yet because it was only about 9:00pm and the tide was fully in at around 10:30pm and back out at 8:00am so me and Emilia instead of walking by the beach took off our shoes and socks and walked on the sand hand in hand.

When we got back it was about 10:30 because we went into a few late shutting shops and bought some new cloths for Emilia because she was pregnant and couldn't fit in many of her cloths.

Eventually we get into our pyjamas and snuggled up in bed Emilia with a huge cushion that the hospital gave her to help her sleep comfortably and me snuggling up to her with my arms around her waist we fell asleep.

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