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Given the facts that 1) I am a hormonal, stressed out teenager and 2) I have zero tolerance for teenage boys with water guns, it is understandable that I am very mad at Ashton and Michael at the moment. 

We're at the boys' friend, Calum's house, which is basically a mansion with a huge pool. Long story short, Calum thought it'd be a nice idea to give the boys Nerf water guns, and they haven't left me alone since, no matter how loudly I yell at them to stop. This is especially annoying to me because I kind of hate swimming and cold water in general, but I just can't get that simple idea wrapped around their tiny little teenage boy brains. 

I sit on one of the lounge chairs by the pool, trying to relax but not being able to take my eyes off of the two boys splashing around, out of fear that they'll attack me again. I push my sunglasses onto the top of my (pink) head as Calum, dripping wet, slides into the chair next to me. "Having fun, yeah?" he asks, running his fingers through his soaking hair. 

"Yeah, but it was a major mistake on your part for giving them water guns."

He laughs a little harder than I thought necessary, his shoulders bobbing up and down. He squints his eyes really tight when he laughs. His smile spreads all the way across his face and he looks, well, genuinely happy. It's kind of cute actually.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I guess I should have known better now that I think about it," he giggles a little, watching Michael fire the plastic weapon violently at Ash. "They're not all bad though."

"Good friends of yours then?" I pull my sunglasses back down on my face, the sun becoming too much for me to handle. 

He nods. "Michael says to stop flirting with his girlfriend!" Ashton yells before being pummeled back into the water. I roll my eyes as an apology, but he just laughs again.

"How long have you known them?" I continue our conversation, ignoring the insanely immature boys in the water.

"About three years now. We're kind of like brothers more than friends honestly."

"Why haven't I seen you with them before?"

"Oh, I don't live here. It's my grandparent's place. I live in California right now, just visiting for the summer."

"Yeah? What do you do in California?" I ask, suddenly kind of interested in our conversation.

"I went to college planning to major in vocal performance, but dropped out my second year and moved to L.A. to try and make it as a singer. It's going alright, I guess. I get a couple paying gigs here and there and I'm in like three different bands, just trying to get my name out there, you know?"

"Yeah, definitely." I nod, too caught up in my thoughts to give an intelligent answer. It's really cool that this kid, only like eighteen, has the guts to move out on his own like that, half way across the country, away from his family. Of course, I'd have no trouble doing that if I had a reason, but a sweet kid like that's got to have a close family behind him. 

"Well what about you? Any interesting stories worth my time?"

I smile. "What do you want to know?" 

"How'd you end up with these losers?" he nods his head toward the guys, who are finally calming down a bit and sitting at the pool's edge. I glance over at them sometimes, noticing them motioning towards me and Calum and talking with serious expressions. I'd wonder what they're talking about if I didn't already have my suspisions. I don't care. Let them be immature idiots. I don't want to sound like an overly confident bitch or anything, but it's nice to talk to someone more on my maturity level for a change. 

I take a second to think about how to answer Calum's question, deciding on the parts I should leave out. It's no use, so I just tell him the whole story. "My dad died a few weeks ago." I start, watching with amusement as he immediately becomes uncomfortable.

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