ChAPter 3

62 3 0

This chapter contains themes of violence and abuse

Nyoko POV

The young child turned and smiled to me. Her face showed elated joy and excitedness.

“Thank you so much!” She clutched her teddy bear tight to her chest. I sat my hand down on her, “That’s alright we always have each other so we have to look out for one another!”

She glanced at me which an inquisitive face, her voice wavered “L-look out for each other?”

“Yeah!” I cheerly replied, “Now and forever!” I felt my face turn into a grin. The girl looked down and something began to drip from her face. “Is that what you did…” It wasn’t just dripping anymore, it was melting. She lifted her head to look at me, her face slowly melting off. It slowly dripped onto the floor as a stringy mess, what was left of her was covered in blood (Like from Poltergeist, except it was falling off naturally).

“Is that what you did to me,” she dropped her bear and gripped my clothes tightly. “DID YOU WATCH OUT FOR ME, NYOKO!?, IS THAT WHAT YOU DID!?” Her warm blood was spread all over my shirt, tears ran down my face and the guilt spread. “I-I… “

Her body shook with anger, “YOU, MONSTER!” I tried to distance myself from the child. I didn’t want to think about it, I didn’t want to deal with it. My voice quavered, “I’m sorry,” I began to bawl and couldn’t control my mind. “I’m so, so SORRY! I swear I didn’t mean to. I swear I’m so sorry!”

She grabbed onto be again and pulled me closer to the horror show that was once her face,

“Sorry can’t undo what you’ve done.”

My throat burned as I screamed.

Rescue Girl POV (Bet you didn’t see that coming (~˘▾˘)~)

A scream ran through my ears. I quickly ran and opened the curtain around the bed. The girl was sitting upright, knees in her chest and her hands covering her face; she was shaking.

“Hey are you okay?”

She shot her head up at the realization that someone was there and looked at me with tears dripping down her face. Her eyes softened when she saw me, and she continued to look around her.

“W-where am I?”

“You are at the U.A. infirmary. You overused your quirk and stopped breathing, another examine saved you.” Her face twisted into one of pure disappointment. “Anyway you should be good to head home now, … except for-”

“For what?” She inquired.

“Here,” I tossed her a hoodie, “Your shirt is completely destroyed and I’m assuming you don’t want the world to see your bra.” She looked down and instantly flushed red and slipped on the black hoodie.

“Uh, where did you get this from?”

“The examine who saved you left us with that hoodie for you to use. I guess you’ll have to find him later and give him back his hoodie. Anyway you should be good to leave, just close the door whenever you leave.” I went to exit the room but I turned back right before I left,

“See you later.”

3rd Person POV

The girl sat back still shellshocked. ‘See you later, I must’ve passed for sure than. But still I passed out, again. From what, making a shield? Damn it. Someone had to come in and save me, I can’t even take care of myself. Am I so weak that I need to result in myself being almost dead to save one person, not even in a life or death situation.’ Her thoughts bubbled up into her mind.

‘You’re weak’

‘You’re a liability’

‘You can’t even put up a shield correctly’

‘You’re worthless

She just sat there lamenting on her incompetence. Until she looked out the window and noticed the sun setting. ‘Shit!  I need to get home.’ She jumped up and bolted out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

‘He’s gonna kill me if I’m not home to make dinner’

Nyoko ran up the stairs to her apartment and burst through the door. Greeted with the unfortunate image of her father stirring on the couch. Woken by the sudden noise of her slamming open the door. ‘FUCK.’

“Where were you Nyoko, and where’s dinner?” Her stomach dropped.

“I was, uhh…” ‘He can’t know I applied to U.A.’ He looked at her, noticing her wearing a black mens hoodie.

“So you were off fooling around with some boy, rather than getting some damn work done!” Nyoko slowly started to back up, trying to escape into her room, but her body stopped complying and was frozen in place.

“Since when did I teach you to skip out on your responsibilities?”

“Y-you didn’t.”

“You know why I deal with you, you fucking bitch.”

“... to do the housework.”

“And what didn’t you do today while you were off playing hooky with some boy?!”

“the housework.”

“So you clearly need another lesson on responsibility.” His glance shot shivers through her body, knowing what was coming next. He slowly stood up, face contorting into a pissed off and psychotic fashion.

“One that I will happily provide.”

The all too familiar feeling shot through Nyoko’s stomach as her father’s fist slammed against her. She tried to distance her mind from reality, thinking about whatever came to mind, as the man continued to punch her, slap her, pummel her, and crush her throat.

‘I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.’

‘Who helped me out during the entrance exam?’

‘What will I make for dinner tomorrow night?’

‘When will this en-’

A loud CRASH rang through the room.

And just like that Nyoko was on the ground unconscious, surrounded by broken glass and blood. Her father standing above her holding a broken bottle by the neck.

Author Here!

I just realized how long it has been since I last updated! So sorry about that; I got bombarded by exams, homework, and competitions for school.

I just realized how long it has been since I last updated! So sorry about that; I got bombarded by exams, homework, and competitions for school

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And I’m not exaggerating, I litery typed a 14 Document DBQ three days after it was due. And was getting three hours of sleep a night for two weeks. Anyway I’m back and I have time to work on this story a lot more this week. See yall later!

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