Chapter 4

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Odin stood a few meters away from us by a cliff overlooking the ocean. If he had noticed our arrival, he hadn't made it clear, instead he continued to stare out over the water. Not tearing my eyes off the old god, I helped Loki to his feet for what felt like the tenth time that day, then began walking behind the two brothers as they joined their father's side. Thor spoke first, "Father?"

"Look at this place, it's beautiful."

Loki walked to his side opposite of Thor, and I watched them from behind. This was a private family matter, I shouldn't intervene even if I was technically part of the family now. "Father it's us," Thor said.

"My sons," he said, then turned to face me, a soft, almost apologetic smile on his face as he looked at the ring on my finger, "and daughter, I've been waiting for you." Loki looked at Odin with surprise on his face, this was likely the first time in centuries Odin referred to him as his son.

"I know, we've come to take you home," Thor continued. Something was off, I could tell. Odin had a distant look in his eyes.

"Home, yes. Your mother, she calls me. Do you hear it?"

"Loki lift your magic."

Loki shook his head, he wasn't playing any tricks on Odin. "It's not him, Thor," I said. Thor shot a doubtful look at me, but didn't say anything more to his brother. Odin laughed, as if amused by Thor's reaction, "Took me quite a while to break free of your spell. Frigga would have been proud! Come, sit with me, I don't have much time."

There it was, he was dying. Something in the back of my head told me that was true, but part of me almost didn't want to believe it, despite what he had done. You too (y/n)." I hesitated for a minute, did he really want to include me in this? I watched as they sat on a large rock behind them, and I took a seat next to Loki. Sensing his apprehension, I took his hand in mine and rubbed comforting circles on the back of it with my thumb. Thank you, his voice sounded a bit tight in my head. Of course, I replied.

"I know we failed you," Thor said, "but we can make this right!"

"I failed you," Odin corrected, "It is upon us, Ragnarok."

"No, I've stopped Ragnarok, I put an end to Surtur."

"No, it's already begun. She's coming."

I looked at Odin with confusion, who was he talking about? He continued speaking, ignoring mine and the brothers' confused looks, "My life was all that held her back, but my time has come. I cannot keep her away any longer."

"Allfather, who are you talking about?" I asked, leaning forward slightly.

"Goddess of Death, Hela, my firstborn. Your sister."

Thor looked shocked and betrayed. Odin's firstborn was not, in fact, Thor, but rather this long lost sister Odin had kept secret. "Your what?" he asked, his voice hoarse and barely above a whisper.

"Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her power from Asgard, and once she gets there her power will be limitless."

Trying to lighten the moment, I spoke up, "Whatever she is, we can stop her together. We can face her together-"

"No we won't," Odin interrupted, "I'm on a different path now. This you must face alone. I love you my children." Odin cast a sidelong glance at me, and my eyes widened. I really was part of the family now. "Look at that," Odin pointed at the horizon, "Remember this place. Home."

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