How the kaijus met GodzillaLegendary

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Godzilla POV

(this is the Legendary Godzilla ver)

I was patrolling Monster Island with my good friends Anguirus, Mothra, Rodan, and King Caesar until we saw a bright light behind the clouds.

Anguirus: What is that?

Rodan puts his hand on Anguirus's shoulder

Rodan: It could just be the Sun, Bud.

Mothra: I don't think it's the Sun.

Rodan: What do you mean?

King Caesar: Take a look for yourself!

Me: Huh?

We were all speechless when the light transform into something with floating armor, no body or head, blue streaks coming off  the armor, and a giant sword, but small. I didn't think.

Mothra: Godzilla, what are yo-

I was already rushing at the figure when she was in the middle of the sentence.

???: Whoah, whoah, whoah, no need get ahead of yourself, Go-

I didn't let him finish because I started attacking him.

The other kaijus: Godzilla, Stop!

I still didn't listen when he did the unexpected- he transformed.

???: *as a 150 meter Gigan* Godzilla, will you stop for a minute!

I didn't think when I said this.

Me: First of all, who the fuck are you, second of all why should I listen to you?

He then chuckled out of annoyance and anger.

???: First of all, you need to listen to your friends, second, you need to not be like a guy who thinks he can survive anything, third, you have no idea what I am, do you?

I just shake my head.

???: And fourth and finally, to answer your question, my name is GodzillaLegendary. Oh and I already know your friends, mostly Mothra.

I turned to my friends, which I saw Anguirus and Rodan tilting their heads in confusion, King Caesar was reading a book(somehow), and Mothra was freaking out like she just got a autograph.

Anguirus & Rodan: So...... Why and how are you able to do this?

King Caesar: I don't think he's special.

Me: Yea, what makes you so special?

GodzillaLegendary POV

I was about to answer them until Mothra beat me, which we knew each other before she knew Godzilla, and I was wanting to see my friend again.

Mothra: *excitedly* You guys don't know??

The others: Mothra, you don't know him, do you? 

I didn't have time to but-in.

Mothra: Well I do know him, and for a fact I knew him before any of you, and he was one of my good and only friends, before I met you guys.

The others: WAIT WHAT???

I sigh before butting in.

Me: Well, also-

I got cut off by an excited Mothra.

Mothra: Hush, Bestie.

The others giggle at the word 'Bestie'. I growled in annoyance when they did that.

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