Chapter 10: Surprise

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"Wait, wait, wait a fucking minute! You're telling me Gavin is..what? An undercover lunatic?" Hank ask Markus.
"No, nothing like that. The man we were looking for was a perverted man. An old disgusting man."
"If I find him, I'll fuck him up."
"Hunter it's not Gavin."
"Then why were you looking fo Gavin?"
"Gavin sold off a bunch of information for wanted androids. That information ended up in the hands of this sick man. And from all that information, Connor's where abouts, name, model were leaked. So I'm here to take Gavin in for questioning."

Gavin's POV:
"Its ok I got you. You hit your head pretty hard huh?"
"My head? ...hurts..."
"I bet it does..."
The night seemed to have fallen, the cold air made Gavin shiver. At least Alex made a nice fire, it wasn't much but it was keeping him warm.
"What happened?"
"Hank lost control of the car, and we crashed." Alex didnt explained much to Gavin.
"Crashed? I dont remember...Where are they?"
"They left to get help. Said they'll be back, but it's been hours since that. I think they left us."
"Hank? No, no way...he'll be back."
"Heheh, if only you were this submissive since the beginning. You're so cute like this Gavin..."
"Hmm I get that a lot. No one appreciate me you know, no one really cares for me."
"Connor cares for you, Hank also, even Hunter."
"Nah they tolerate me, but they dont like me."
"If you feel that way...then so be it. I'm not a therapist Gavin, I dont really care for your troubles."
"Then why did you pick me up from the car then? Why not let me bleed to death? Maybe because I reminded you of Sam?"
"You! You fucking asshole! Dont you fucking try to get in my head!"
"Who was he?.."
"...he was like my brother...he was 7 years old. When I saw you, you reminded me off him. He was so loud and rough...just like you."
"What happened to him?"
"He had a treehouse, never fucking left it. One day I was cleaning the house when I hear a loud dump outside. When I checked, he had fallen down. His head hit a rock...he, well he looked like a  watermelon. All squished out, hehehe. It was so fucking gross!! Hehheh." Alex started to laugh then cry. He tried to keep on laughing but only tears came out.
"It was his father fault, I've told him that some day he would've gotten hurt. 'The floorboards are loose. They're becoming too weak for Sam, he's going to get hurt. Fix them' but he never listened. Then he had the balls to blame me for it."
Gavin watched as Alex LED turned from blue to red. "I got so angry...I killed him...I took him by the throat and ripped it off..."
"Did that made you feel better?"
"No...but after I did...i was informed that Sam survived but he was in a vegetative state. He couldn't eat, couldn't play, couldn't talk to me. He just ask when I started to feel better? It started to feel better when I took a pillow and ended him, I felt better knowing that he was better off being dead instead of being alive and suffering. When I saw reminded me of him. Shit if he saw me now he would be so fucking disappointed."
"So are you going to kill me?"
"For what? So I can have your stupid blood on my hands. Fuck that..."
"Well if it makes you feel any better I know why Connor was kidnapped...and it's all my fault..."
"Oh? Do explain...its like this little stupid story of yours keeps on getting more and more idiotic by the second."
"That's mean..."our story" starter out to be something from the heart, we had a simple narrative, a straight forward goal. But we got side tracked. Shit began to pile up, and now...its just a mess of drama here and drama there...wish I could go home and eat a box of donuts. Maybe some pizza, do you like pepperoni?"
"Sorry it's my head it hurts, I talk nonsense when I'm in pain."
"I can see was it your fault."
"I remember that tick of yours or chip whatever the hell it was..."
"Yeah? What about it?"
"Well it-"
"I.FOUND.YOU. You fucking piece of shit!!"
"Hunter? Hunter wait!"
But Hunter wasn't going to wait any longer. He took Gavin by his throat slammed him on the ground. Gavin swears he heard his spine brake in half. "Uhg! Hunter!"
"How dare you be my partner.  How dare you act like you cared. How fucking dare you look at Connor in the eye and talk to him like everything was ok!! You cross the line dip shit!!"
"Hunter is right Gavin. You're under arrest for selling android information to unknown sources." Markus added on.
"Gavin, I always knew you were a shit head, but I never thought you'll actually steal information from dpd. And sell it? Hunter is right, you're in really deep shit now." Hank said.
"Why Gavin? Why? I trusted you. Do you know how many other people you probably hurt? How many you've probably killed? I dont care for what happen to me. What about those who are still suffering, all because you want some more money?" Connor spoke.
"Let me fucking explain please!" Gavin struggled to speak, as Hunter was still strangling him.
"Explain this!"
"No wait!" Simon spoke out. "Let him talk." Everyone looked at Simon. "Innocent until proven guilty...right?"
"You got a five fucking minutes, GO!"
Hunter said. Gavin gasped for air.
"Tha-thank you! Fucking hell...Hunter you remember what happened in the bathroom with Connor long time ago right?"
"Five minutes."
"Well after that that same night I went to the hospital. I was checked everything was fine. Whatever, I then got an more of a desire to go back to the dpd. My mind then went blank, when I came back to my senses I already transfer millions and millions of date to some unknown person. I swear I didn't mean it! I swear!"
"Then who was it then huh?"
In that moment gun shots were heard.
"Hunter?" Connor spoke out...
"No, no Connor!!"
Connor then fell forward, to the ground. Hunter then soon follow as a bullet pierce through his head, ending his life instantly.
"Get cover!"
"Markus no!-"
Bang, bang two more down. Hank, Alex and Gavin looked at each other as bullets began to rain around them. Gavin's friends bodies everywhere.
"Gavin look at me son!"
"Hank shit fuck what to we do?"
"Look at me!" In that instant Alex got shot, Gavin screamed as Alex's head landed on his lap. "GAVIN! LOOK AT ME!"
Gavin looked at Hank, who seemed to be calm. "What?! What!! Shit I dont have my gun!"
"Gavin...its ok. All you have to up."

Me, Myself And I《Gavin x RK800 x RK900》{Hard Smut} [FIXING]Where stories live. Discover now