Chapter 1

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"Any last words?" My fellow enemy stands before me, holding a gun up next to my head.

"Ha ha, that is such a cliche. Don't you have anything better to say?"

So here I am, facing death, and all I can say is "don't you have anything better to say?" nice going Spy0271 (a.k.a: Grace-Nicolle). 

"Stop stalling you little pipsqueak! I better get this over with..."

I squeeze my eyes shut and press the button next to the remote kept in my right pocket. Suddenly, explosions. Tons and tons of BOOMING, CRASHING, BLOWING. One thing flying from one place to the other! The enemy releases his grip and the sound of a gun drops to the floor. He looks back at the smoke and fire dumbfounded. Okay, now it's my chance. When he glances to a burning peice of wallpaper I dash towards the exit hoping he won't notice me. I reach a hand on the knob and a hand grabs against my neck. I stop short. 

"You twist that knob, and you will never see the light of day again." The enemy whispers.

"Well, very good! But still, cliche once again."

"Don't correct me!" He bangs my head against the door. 

I stagger and go blurry-eyed. When I regain my balance and vision, I notice he is standing there waiting for me to make my first move. I put up my hands.

"Look, there is no reason to fight. Why don't we just shake hands and have a truce?" I reach out my hand. 

A nasty look goes upon his face until he shrugs, "I guess that would be better."

As soon as our hands touch, I kick him in the crotch, open the door, and slide down the stairs.

I laugh maniacally, "Never in a million years!"

As soon as I reach the main level, the guards stomp and block the doorway. Giant muscular guys. Wait, no. Robots? Seriously? Oops my mistake. Giant muscular robots. This isn't what I expected at all. 

"Halt miss! May I ask what you're doing here?" One of them asks.

They have got to be kidding. They don't even know me! This is going to be easy. I put on the biggest, saddest, deepest puppy-dog face. 

"Please sir, my father just walked into a department store nearby and he told me to wait outside. Unfortunately, I didn't listen and I wandered up in here. I didn't mean to disturb you, honest! I just want to go home!" Fake tears start running down my cheeks.

The robot-securityguard-whatever's face turns from a stern expression to a sympathy one. 

"I am very sorry, I'll get you right back to your mother and father." One replies.

"Oh thank you! Quickly, there isn't enough time! I just need to go through the front door."

The robot moves out of the way and I dash out the door. Fire rushes up from the bottom to the top of the building. I hear a screech.

"Guards! That wasn't some poor innocent girl, that was G.N Genova! Spy 0271! How could you mistake that?! Get her while you still have the chance!" The enemy bellows.

I start to sprint away from the building. I look back over my shoulder and I see robot guards gaining onto me. They're coming closer, closer, closer, and-

"GRACE-NICOLLE GENOVA! WAKE UP!" Fletcher, my butler yells.

"Aaaahh!" I scream as I bolt out of bed.

"G.N, what's wrong? I almost had a heart-attack!"

"Sorry Fletcher, I just had a bad dream."

"About what?"

"The last mission. I know, it went extremely well. It's just my dreams don't have happy endings sometimes."

"This doesn't have to do with your mother and father... Does it?" 

"Fletcher, I told you to not bring up mom and dad."

"Right, sorry."

"It's okay."

My parents died on a mission last year. They were supposed to find the hidden treasure until an avalanche roared and killed them. I've been a little touchy on the subject and try not to mention it as much as possible.

"So," I say to Fletcher as I hop down the stairs to the breakfast table. "Any new missions?"

"Not quite. Rumor has it that Dr. Moskowitz is going to escape from jail soon."

"Seriously, what is that guy's problem?"

Dr. Moskowitz is our nemisis. It all started when my dad was in the same school as him and accidently made his hamster mutate. Then, he swore revenge and has been trying to kill us ever since I was one. 

"I haven't a clue." Fletcher eats his first bite of pancake.

"He needs to find a better hobby."

"You do too."

I glance up from my pancakes. What? Fletcher never said anything like this before! 


"Grace-Nicolle, you can't always spy."

"I've done it since I was two and I'm a natural! You know I want to be in the FBI or the CIA when I grow up!"

"But you're only twelve!"

"So, mom was only fifteen when she was trained!"

Silence. I hate when this happens. That awkward moment when you say something that makes the whole room fall quiet. Barking breaks the silence.

"Hi Aristotle! Come here boy! Come here!" I nuzzle up against him.

Okay, you're probably thinking that Aristotle is a totally phsyco name for a dog. I named him that because my dad's favorite philosopher was Aristotle, and when we found this poor puppy on the streets, it's the first name that came into our minds. As soon as we finish with our pancakes, Fletcher stands up and presses the napkin to his lips, "Think about it." He remarks. I'm left alone at the table sinking my head into my arms. I should probably give you a little more background information about myself as long as you keep it confidential. I slip out my spy folder and look at my resume.

Grace-Nicolle (G.N) Genova - Spy0271

Birthdate: July 22, 2000

Level/Age: 12

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: Chestnut

Tattoos or piercings: None

Skills: Spying, Gymnastics, Karate 

Pretty random information you would put on a resume. But all facts are true. I hear my watch beep from upstairs. I sprint up each stair skipping two at a time and run over to my watch: 1 new video message. I press play and Dr. Gordon, my spy teacher, comes on the screen.

G.N, this message was to tell you that Dr. Moskowitz has escaped out of prison and is searching for his next revenge scheme. Please meet me in the training room at 2:00 for your preperations. Welcome to your new mission.

G.N GenovaWhere stories live. Discover now