All Eyes On Me

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As promised, this chapter didn't take as long as last time so here we go :D

Deku POV

Out of the blue, something sent Shigaraki flying backwards. The nomu quickly jumped after him and caught him mid-action.

I could only watch in slow motion as the big figure of our attacker came closer and closer with a fist aiming for my face now.

I wasn't even able to blink before I felt the impact that send me too flying back, crashing right into the students still lingering in the water.

"It's okay now," a deep voice boomed through the hall, "FOR I AM HERE"


"Nomu, that's him! That is All Might, your target. Attack!"

I thought he wasn't here today due to a change of plans?

It didn't matter now, the sight of him in person was astonishing. He seemed taller than I had thought, 7'2" to be exact. I knew everything there was to know about him. If someone asked me to, I could quote his entire wikipedia page and that was one of the five longest. It bugged me though that there was very little personal information, not even his real name was anywhere to be found.

The nomu started to move, preparing for an attack. And so did All Might.

He was faster and stronger than anyone ㇐ would the nomu really be able to beat him?

Sensei and Shigaraki were very confident about it, no doubt, but we were talking about the Number One Hero for goodness' sake!

All Might rushed forward before the nomu could even think of an attack ㇐ not that those monsters actually were able to think ㇐ and started to hit its chest with great power. But the nomu looked unfazed.

Shock Absorbtion.

I was in awe. The nomu could actually stand All Might's power.

The hero had realized an important little detail about this quirk though, "If you are absorbing the shock," he started sending punches to its chest, "then there is a limit on how much you can take, am I right?"

While All Might was throwing punches as if his life depended on it ㇐ which it actually did ㇐ Eraserhead had gained enough strength to stand up to fight again. He launched a surprise attack behind the nomu's back, wrapping its arm in his scarf.

He twisted it around the beast's back and an ear-piercing cracking was heard. Eraser let go of the now loosely swinging arm only to witness the nomu pulling out said arm on its own. The heroes, as well as the watching students were wide-eyed.

They watched frozen in place as the arm regrew in the same shape and form it had been before ㇐ as healthy as ever.

"Two quirks?!" All Might furrowed his brows in disbelief.

"Wouldn't that make three? He is inhumanly strong as well.... there is no way in hell that's not a quirk. What even is this thing?," Eraserhead added.

"We can find that out after we beat it!"

With those words he dashed forward and started throwing punches all over the nomu's body once again.

Shigaraki watched the scene unfold itself with great amusement. "This nomu was designed specifically to withstand the most powerful of your attacks! You can't beat it!" He chuckled self satisfied.

"If he can sustain any damage from my attacks at 100%, I'll just have to go beyond my limit! PLUS ULTRAAAA!!!!" All Might roared.

I could see the moment the nomu had reached its limit in things shock absorption. With his last punch, All Might sent it flying straight through the roof of the hall.

Defective / BNHA / Villain!Deku / Nomu!DekuWhere stories live. Discover now