Almost is Never Enough

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Bakugo POV:

I shot forward.

I needed to reach him in time! I just had to!

“Young Bakugo, what are you doing? Snipe hold your fire!” All Might roared from behind, now yelling at the still shooting hero who soon after stopped his attack.

Everything around me was going down in slow motion. The closer I got to Deku, the slower my brain could process what was actually going on. I just had one goal in mind: to reach him before it was too late.

The misty guy had already opened a portal and the handyman started walking towards it dragging Deku behind him.

He had one of his hands gripped tightly around Deku’s upper arm with his middle finger lifted.

Now that I was only a few away from him, I stretched out my arm trying to get ahold of him myself.

Then he looked up at me. He noticed me reaching out for him.

His eyes widened and I believed to be able to see a flash of surprise in them. His free arm twitched up, stretching it out towards me. As I was about to grab his hand he was yanked through the rest of the portal.

The tips of our fingers missed by a hair’s breadth.

He was gone.


How could I have let this happen?

“….” I shook my head in disbelief, “no. Nonono NO!!”

I fell down to my knees. I couldn’t stand this anymore.

I had failed as a hero.

How could I was around like this calling myself the future’s number one if I couldn’t even save someone right in front of me?

I went through my hair, finally resting them conjoined on my neck when I felt a big hand on my shoulder.

“Young Bakugo, I know it can be frustrating when villains make their escape but you put yourself in great danger by chasing after them!”

Everyone who had been standing on the sidelines of the fight came rushing over.

“Hey Bakubro, are you alright? Those guys were scary, really manly of you face them!” Kirishima stated worriedly.

“Trying to capture a criminal is very heroic Bakugo, but still too dangerous!” Iida chirped in while chopping the air with his hands.

“A phone.” I breathed.

“What was that, my boy?”


Luckily, he seemed to be used to my anger outbursts by now but he still noticed something was off about my reaction so he didn’t say anything but reached into his pocket pulling out a phone he passed me with the words “put it on speaker”.

Everyone was watching me in silence as I dialed a number and press the green call button.

The phone rang a few times before it was picked up.

“This is Midoriya Inko speaking, who is this?”

Kirishima POV

Bakugo was dialing a number and put us on speaker just like All Might had told him to do.

After a couple of rings, a woman answered, “This is Midoriya Inko speaking, who is this?” Her voice sounded friendly but a tad bit exhausted.

He swallowed hard, “Oba-san, this is Katsu-“


Her tired voice interrupted Bakugo before he could finish the sentence, “Ah Katsuki, good that you called. I have an important appointment this afternoon, so you won’t have to stop by after school today! You really should go out with friends more anyways. I’m a grown woman, I can take care of-”

Wait, she is the reason Bakugo never wants to hang out with anyone after school?

The woman ranted on and on while Bakugo patiently waits for her to finish. He had been so desperate to talk to her but he didn’t seem to want to interrupt her at all. Just what was going on in his mind?

“By the way, why did you call, dear?” she finally finishes.

“He’s alive.” Seriously?? That’s everything he has to say after all this?

Her voice changes in an instant. First she sounded lost, “What do you..? Katsuki, it’s not very nice to toy with a mother’s feelings like this..” but in the end her voice was dead. Not the good kind though, the it-hurts-too-much-to-get-worked-up-over-this-again kind.

“I’m not..- it really was him! He’s… he is alive. He was right here! I tried- I was so close! I tried to reach him but they took him again!” what he said didn’t make any sense to anyone but the woman on the other line apparently because loud sobs erupted from the speaker.

“Izuku..? My baby!!! Where are you right now? How did you find him?! I’ll be right over, Katsuki, just tell me where you are! Please, if you saw him, I have to go there now! Wherever that is! Is he still with you?” there was so much pain in her voice, .

Bakugo paused for a moment and then said something I never would have thought possible to ever hear from his mouth ㇐ an apology.

“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry but he’s ㇐ he’s gone now. I promise I’ll find him! I’ll get him back! So don’t worry, please!” the last sentence was only a whisper and his whole body was shaking. I felt so bad for him even though I had no idea what he was talking about.

Sorry this took so song, my sister who is proof reading this was at a con this weekend (I'm so jealous T^T). Chapter 9 is almost done by now tho so that's a plus I guess.
Tell me your thoughts so far, what do you guys think? Any suggestions on what you'd like to see in this story? Maybe someone could help me out with figuring out some new quirks for little Deku here (=ω=;)
Fyi the songs I use as titles don't always match themewise, usually I just like the title and it fits well as a chapter name soooo..... yee

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