Part 9

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Blood dripped down Dean's side, pooling on the side of the table. His eyes had rolled back in his head, the pain too much for him to bear. Leaving the blade in Dean's side, the Doctor turned to face you, wiping Dean's blood on his dress slacks. "Do you see this? This is all your fault. If you had done what I had asked, you wouldn't be watching the love of your life being killed. Your daughter wouldn't be in the hands of Angels. Because they wouldn't exist."

You struggled against his hold, trying to figure out how he could be powerful enough to keep you in place. You could feel the power, the grace still flowing through you, searching for an outlet. A way to help you save those that mattered most.

There was no window open. No fan turned on, but still the papers on the desk fluttered, the curtains billowing. The sky outside had been clear, a vibrant bright blue. But it was now a cloudy gray, lightning flashing in the distance. "Leave my family alone!" You screamed, your hair floating around your face, golden light flickering from your fingertips.

He just laughed, turning his back to you. "You might be powerful, but I know you. I know all of your tricks, what makes you tick. You'll never be able to get past my guard."

"No!" You screamed, fury pushing your powers to their limit. Your vision was hazy, your fingertips numb as the windows shattered, sending shards of glass flying inwards. The Doctor had a split second to look surprised before he was thrown against the wall, glass slamming into his skin, his face ashen as he looked down.

"This won't kill me," he muttered, shaking as you took a step toward him. Dean lay still on the surgery table, his face pale, blood starting to pool on the ground below him. None of the glass had hit him, and you gently pushed him out of the way.

"Oh, I know that. A simple death is too easy for you after what you've done. If Dean wasn't...I would spend the next year making sure you paid for what you've done to us. But I don't have time for that now."

"Please...," the Doctor started to stutter, blood dripping from his mouth as you used your powers to repeatedly slam him into the shattered glass. "I'll do anything. I can...tell you where your daughter is."

You paused for a moment, considering his offer. But you knew it was just a ploy, a way to get a handle on the situation once again. Sure, there was a slight possibility that he would give you the news you so desperately wanted. But it would probably be nothing more than a trap, and you couldn't afford to have him walking this earth still. "I'm sorry, but no matter how much I want my daughter back, I can't trust you."

He started to fight back then, once he realized you weren't going to spare him. He was powerful, even while his skin was being shredded with broken glass, and for a moment you weren't sure you would be able to hold him. But the sight of Dean laying lifeless on the gurney behind you, and the thought of your daughter being held against her will had you doubling your hold. Your eyes glowed a bright, vibrant blue, as you floated slightly off the ground. With a guttural scream, you placed your hand over his forehead, closing your eyes as his entire being glowed a brilliant gold.

It seemed to take hours or days, but in only a matter of seconds, the Angel who had done so much damage to your life lay lifeless on the glass covered floor. His eyes were burnt to a crisp, the skin around it burned so deep it appeared black. Blood dripped from his mouth and multiple spots throughout his body.

With him no longer a threat, your power drained suddenly, and you fell limply to the floor. Your entire body felt full of lead, heavy and unmoveable. Your skin was flushed, your head pounding harder than you had ever felt before. Every pump your heart took echoed in your ears and in every limb, and you wanted nothing more than to let the darkness consume you. But you could see Dean, his hand hanging over the edge of the cart. You weren't sure if he was alive, but the hope that he was had you struggling to your feet. "Dean," you called out, your voice raspy, your throat raw. Reaching slowly, achingly up to your face, you felt the sticky residue of blood that had trickled from your eyes.

It took three attempts before you were on your feet, your knees shaking as they tried to hold your weight. Grasping the chair beside you, your breaths came shallow and painful. Using the chair as a crutch, you slowly made your way towards Dean, the glass crunching under your feet, sinking into your thin shoes. It was painful, but you continued to move forward, pushing your body past the breaking point.

Tears streaked down your cheeks as you peered down at Dean. His skin was ashen, tears of pain dried on his freckles. Blood covered the majority of his body, wounds refusing to heal. Raising your hand, you tried to find a heartbeat, your own frozen in fear that it wouldn't be there.

It was slight, barely there, but you felt his pulse under your hand. Thanking however had been looking after him, you held your hand weakly over him, trying to bring forth the healing power you knew you carried.

Seconds ticked by and nothing happened. "Please," you begged yourself, wanting the last little bit of strength in you to heal the man you loved more than anything.

You tried again, closing your eyes and putting everything you had into healing Dean. But the power that had run so strongly through you was nothing more than a trickle, healing on his slightest wounds.

Slumping against the gurney, your head hanging over Dean's chest, your tears mixing with his blood. It wasn't until the sound of booted footsteps clambered down the hallway that you slowly lifted your head up. If it was more of the Angelic henchmen, you weren't sure you would be able to keep them away from you and Dean.

Pushing Dean behind you, you stood there, trying to hide the fact that your knees were shaking, your hands trembling. Taking a deep breath, you watched as two men stepped into the room. Angel blades were held loosely in their hands, covered in blood. A flannel chest heaved beside one covered in a tan trenchcoat.

Your gaze slowly lifted, finding two pairs of eyes staring at you wide-eyed. One pair a vibrant blue, the other a kind hazel. Both very familiar. "Sam? Cas?" You called out before your legs gave way and you fell to the floor. 

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