I saw...

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I saw my reflection for the first time in a while.

I need a haircut.

It goes down a few inches past my shoulders.

I'm really skinny.

Maybe it's because I haven't eaten anything in weeks. Because I don't deserve to.

Maybe it's because I haven't drunken water for weeks. To be honest I'm scared to.... Last time I did after the.... Incident, my quirk activated and I shocked myself again. I know what it feels like to have blood in my throat now.

Oh yeah-

There's blood and dirt on my face.

There are really dark bags under my eyes.

It looks like I have two black eyes.


My eyes look....


Not like Mothers...


There's no life.

I guess there isn't....


Has there ever been?

Runaway Kaminari Denki's DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now