Octavia: Chapter Eight

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"Remember, keep your head high and only speak when spoken too. Be honest," Emerald caught herself. She paused for a second and her blonde curls fell as she dropped her head, "Well, as honest as you can be." The worried girl sat in front of me, practically sweating a river. Her shaky hands skimmed over her skirt as she inhaled, "Please just be careful."

In the softest tone I could manage, I scooped her hands into mine. "Emerald, I have trained for this since birth. I will be fine." I didn't have a doubt that I would fail. Not to say that it will be easy because it will be everything but. The only part I truly had to worry about was the pack Elders, especially the Enchanters, they would be the ones to lead me to my death.

Enchanters would be able to tell when a wolf was lying. And they would be able to tell that I was lying too if I hadn't had my own Enchanter cloak me. With their Cloak, any other Enchanter wouldn't be able to prove that I was straying from the truth.

I dropped her hands as the door opened, "Your trials are about to begin." I gave Emerald one last smile before following the tall puppy guard. There wasn't a single nerve in my body as I approached the crowd of the pack.

Not a bead of sweat dripped from my body as I stood in front of them all. I didn't feel anything. Nothing until he stood beside me. And suddenly something twisted in my stomach, but it wasn't butterflies.

It was something else. Suddenly, I was consumed with the urge to go beyond my limits just to prove to him that I was more than scum, but I knew better. I needed to be good, but not too good. I heard stories of his pack trials. They weren't all like executed like other Pack's were.

"State your name rogue."

He challenged, waiting for me to break my act and accidentally tell him my real name. "I don't have a name." There were whispers throughout the rows of wolves.

"What does she mean?" One of the elders questioned from the side.

"She claims to have no memory of what led up to her crossing onto our pack." Alakey looked to a girl stationed beside the Elder that spoke. She stepped forwards, bowing her head before standing across from me.

Her doll like blue eyes stared into me, searching for everything. I stared back. "Do you know your name?"


She didn't miss a bit, "She isn't lying."

Alakey nodded his head. "Very well. Pick a new name."

I paused a moment, pretending to rack my brain for one, "Max."

His eyes narrowed slightly as I decided on my new title.

"Do you remember your pack, before you became a rogue?" She asked.

"No. The only thing I remember is the faces of my mom and dad as they," I took a shaky breath. "As they were killed." She gave me a skeptical look.

I made it looks s if something click in my eyes. Suddenly, I latched into her hands in a desperate manner, "You will know, right? You're an enchanted, you have to know them!" Tears clouded my eyes as I held onto the baffled girl. She furred her brows before ripping her hands from my grasp.

Clearly confused she turned her head to look at Xavier then back to me. She turned back to him. "I'm sorry, I don't know." Her voice shook as she spoke to her Alpha. She was humiliated. Enchanters were supposed to have the highest knowledge in the pack, and she was left baffled- it was working.

Ice eyes bored into mine.

"How come my Enchanter can't read you?"

I looked back with despair.

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