Octavia: Chapter Four

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"How much do you want cut off." I stared at my reflection as the overly tanned woman brushed through my tangled hair. Everyone in the salon stared at me as if they hadn't seen such a sight, which they probably haven't. I was barely clothed. I had a shirt on that had tears scattered across it. My pants were ripped practically making them shorts. I had twigs in my hair and dirt smeared across my face. My arms stung slightly from the scratches that were beginning to heal.

I shrugged not knowing what to say, "I don't care." I've never had a haircut before.

I had made it to the city, but the road here was definitely not easy. I had come across a few rogues yesterday. All of them are dead now but the fight was definitely something to get me going again. This morning I had crossed through another packs borders on accident. I was running from some rogues and there wasn't a faster way to get to the city.

The Alpha of that pack was not pleased with my visit. Him and his pack mates tossed me around a bit but I got out. I couldn't remember if he was apart of my kingdom or Alpha King Alakey's. Either way I'm sure they notified their king. It was the law after all.

I hoped it was Alakey because that would only lead him towards me. His death had been thought over several times these past few days. I didn't want anymore bloodshed unless I was in a situation where I needed to protect myself, or others but I realized he had to go down, but not for my Father's reason.

I wanted him dead because I didn't want his people to suffer anymore. And because of Max's Death. Max died because I strayed from my purpose. I wanted his death to be worth something. He didn't die just to die. He died because I was supposed to kill Alakey.

And I will kill him.

"Tilt your head back some." I followed the woman's command as she ran warm water over my scalp. My eyes drifted shut as the water relaxed me. After living in the woods for four days, this felt like heaven.

"I didn't cut it too short because you have beautiful hair so I took a little off the bottom." She spun me around in the chair so that I was facing the mirror again. I looked somewhat better. There wasn't dirt on my face anymore because the water washed it off. My blonde hair fell just a few inches below my shoulders.

"I like it."

She sent me a smile,  "How will you be paying?"

Oh. I completely forgot.

I felt embarrassed as I spoke, "I don't have money."

"I'm a wolf. I just moved here looking for a better start, but I promise I will pay you once I get some money. You have my word." The woman looked irritated but quietly agreed clearly too scared to argue with me. I meant what I said. I was going to pay her back.

"Here, I got it." A human girl stepped forward, handing the hairdresser some cash. I looked down at her. Why was she being so helpful to a stranger?

"I'm Jasmine." She smiled at me but I didn't return it.

"I will pay you back." I turned away from her and headed towards the door.

"Of course you will. Come on you need a new outfit." She locked her arm with mine and pulled me out onto the busy sidewalk. I expected more people to stare but no one really payed attention to me as we walked down the street.

Jasmine noticed my confused look, "It's New York. They've seen stranger things." She smiled.

None of them cared enough to look at me. I could live without having someone breathing down my neck every second. I was going to like it here.

"I know stranger danger but you can come to my apartment. You don't have a place to stay and you look like you can use a shower, plus it's not like I could hurt you even if I wanted to. You're a wolf so don't be worried." I wasn't worried about going back to her apartment. She was right, I was a wolf and I could tear her to shreds if she dared to inflict harm on me. And I did need a shower.

"Here's some clean clothes. You're a little taller than me but the pants should fit. I made dinner, you can eat it when you're ready." I expressed my gratitude as she left the room. As I got dressed in the white t-shirt, the door creeped open. "Oh my god." I looked over my shoulder at Jasmine, who was staring at all the scars that laced my back. Uncomfortable, I quickly pulled the shirt over my body.

Unsure of what to say, Jasmine handed me a pair of socks before leaving, "I forgot socks." I pulled loose pajama pants on. They were very soft and every step I took they flowed around my ankles. My wet hair clung to my back as I went to join Jasmine.

"You know, I brought you to my house and I still don't know your name." I made out her words as she ate a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

I quickly searched my mind for something. I couldn't tell her my real name. Humans were educated on Wolves and they knew the names of the Royal Families. Even though I had been hidden for my whole life, the werewolf world had known my name.

When my mother fell pregnant with me, packs came from all over to bless her and me. Our kingdom held a celebration for three weeks when my parents informed them of my birth. Before I was conceived the people of my kingdom believed that the reign of my family's name would end with my parents. It was believed that my mother couldn't get pregnant so when news spread that the Alpha King and Luna Queen were having a child, everyone rejoiced.

Though I was conceived for a different reason. My parents wanted me for a greater power than to rule just our kingdom. They wanted power of everything, but they couldn't do that with Alpha King Alakey, he possessed greater strength and power than my father. Not liking the idea of this my father consulted with witches and enchanters from all over trying to figure out a way to defeat Alakey.

After hearing news that I would carry the strength to defeat Alakey, my father and mother tried for a baby and with the help of one of the most powerful witches, Xelina, I was born by dark magic. I was a force unknown. And I would be used to cause destruction of all.

My father realized that no one could know of my power so he "murdered" me. The story is that I died at birth. News spread fast and our kingdom was struck with grief like no other. If I told Jasmine my name, everything would be ruined. I could never try and overthrow Alakey because he would be prepared for me.

I pushed out the only name I could think of. "Max."

"Max. I like that. Different name for a girl. It's cute!" Jasmine gushed over my fake name.

"So what brings you to the city?" Jasmine questioned me as I begin eating my food. I cut the chicken into small pieces, eating the with my fork.

"I wanted a change of scenery."

"What about your pack? You obviously aren't apart of any of the packs that roam the city." Jasmine ate her chicken with her hands, watching me funny as I continued to use the silverware that she provided.

It was common for some rogues to roam the human cities. Most were ones that left voluntarily from their packs. The rogues that were banished by their Alphas are too afraid to live in the cities out of fear for the other packs that lived there. So I didn't have fear in telling her that I was a rogue because I wasn't banished,  "I don't have a pack."

"A rogue. Interesting, banished or free will?" She sipped her wine, looking at me curiously. I finished my food and poured myself a glass of wine.

"Free will. There was nothing left for me in my pack."

There was a kingdom left for me but it was never mine. It was my birthright to rule that kingdom but instead no one outside the castle walls knew I existed.

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