Octavia: Chapter Thirteen

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In this chapter you will get a little insight on Octavia's past and you will see how her father is dealing with her betrayal. A little need to know information so you don't get confused: Witches and Enchanters live in packs and cities. They are women who are mostly human some were born as werewolves because their mother who was an Enchanter or witch mated with a Wolf. Even though they are werewolves they still carry the Enchanters gift.

*This chapter is written in third person*

When news of the the princess's escape traveled through the castle- everyone walked on glass. When the Luna Queen heard of her daughter's betrayal, her heart broke but not because she missed her daughter. No, she missed the thought of power. She missed controlling the girl. The unwanted daughter was a puppet and the Queen had become the puppeteer. When the Alpha King heard of his daughter's sudden act of defiance an emotion he had never felt flooded every inch of his body.

To say he was livid was an absolute understatement. He had risen Hell. The beast he was before had only grew at his Daughter's betrayal. To even call her his daughter made him furious. That was no daughter of his. He raised his daughter better than that. She was logical and levelheaded. She was focused and never strayed from what she was given.

That was his daughter. She was a weapon and sometimes even a machine. And even though he made her think she was in control, he always was. She obeyed his every command and would fall at his feet if he asked. That was all she knew. His daughter was a killer. She was supposed to be the one who made him Alpha King of the whole werewolf and human world. Without her- he would be nothing and it made him enraged.

When he first heard the news, he had lost control and went on a rampage through the kingdom- slaughtering whoever he could get his hands on. Everyone in the castle felt like they were walking on fuming coals, but no matter how scared they were they still had a King to attend too, a murderous one.

After the king had calmed enough to get his thoughts straight he assembled every guard and warrior in the kingdom walls. Most of the warriors and guards had known of the princess but some didn't. With this new information, the King needed to be sure no one released her true identity. Groups were sent to different packs around the area until someone came back with news of the girl who was classified as a traitor.

An Alpha in New York had a rogue cross into his territory temporarily, a girl who fit the description. As soon as he heard he headed out to see if the information was valid.

"I didn't see her for myself but I smelt her. She smelt of a typical rogue of course. The wolves patrolling the border that day saw her. She fits the look of the girl you described." Alpha Lycurgus stood as his Alpha King sat comfortably in his desk. Lycurgus wasn't an Alpha that was known for his hospitality so it was quite odd for his pack members to see him surrender his own desk to someone else.

"So you can't be sure it was her?" Theon leaned against the black chair. The Alpha and Beta in front of him kept their heads lowered as they spoke.

"No, but it was a possible lead."

"A possible lead isn't enough for me. This girl is of great value to me." Theon's patience was withering away as they spoke.

"Can you tell me where she went after leaving your pack?"

"There was word of a new rogue in the city. Usually, all the surrounding Alpha's are notified when a new one resides in the city. I can ask around and see what I can come up with." Lycurgus tried to find a solution that would please His Alpha King.

Alpha Lycurgus and his beta stood side by side, waiting for their Alpha King to respond.

"Well then go find something!" Theon dismissed the pair. As they left he remained in the office that was not his.

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