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Natsu: Yo I'm hungry. FiGhT mE sTriPpEr and MeTaL hEaD!!

Lucy: My boyfriend is SO immature god HelP mE!

Happy: Fish. Where's fish? Fish!!!

Carla: I'm STILL cold, FYI!

Romeo: AwKwArD!!!

Wendy: * Blushes * * Trips * Kya!!!

Erza: Cake!! Jellal's ab– I mean, what?

Jellal: Erza!! And hey! Lyon, you better take care of my daughter or I will .... end you...

Lyon: * Gulps * Gah! Meredy-chan!

Meredy: WTF, I haven't even showed up in this book yet.

Sting: Yukino! Are you on the menu?

Rogue: Kagura! Play like a card!

Yukino and Kagura: Guys... wtf.

Zeref: DeAtH.. NaTsU-bRo...MaViS-cHaN!!!

Mavis: Fairies!!!!

Laxus: People are the worst. They can go die–

Mira: LaXuS!!!

Juvia: Gray-sama!!!!

Gray: Who has my clothes?

Gajeel: Shoobidoobop!!

Levy: Shut the f*** up guys, I'm trying to read here!!!!


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