Chapter 2: Training

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Perci looked to the gods to see if they knew what was happening but if the looks on their faces were anything to go by, they were dumbfounded.

Perci figured if no one else was going to ask, she would, "Hello my lady!" Perci curtsied and smiled welcomingly, she could feel the waves of power rolling off the woman so she figured she should be polite lest she be smited, "Not to be rude, but who are you may I ask?"

The woman turned to her and smiled back, "I am Thalassa, Primordial goddess of the Sea." She said in a soft and gentle voice, it reminded you of the ocean lapping against the shore. The Olympians looked the opposite of relaxed though, their eyes widened and they each stood up stiffly and bowed low (except Zeus cus he's an arse). The primordial smiled gently, "Rise Olympians, there is no need to bow to me," Zeus sighed in relief and Thalassa's gaze hardened as it landed on him, "Except for you."
Zeus looked infuriated but knew he couldn't argue without angering the goddess so he did what she asked of him, not without grumbling though. Said goddess walked up to Perci and curtsied, "It is an honor to meet you, my Queen."

Perci was stunned, "Q-Queen?"

Thalassa nodded, "Now that you are the goddess of the Sea, you are also Queen of the Ocean. I am the embodiment of the Ocean, sort of like Thanatos is Death. In other words, you're the Hades to my Thanatos." She explained with a smirk, "Now," She rose from where she had been crouching to Perci's level and turned to address the Olympians, "When does training start?"

"Right after I speak with my daughter you may begin her training, as long as I can have my weekly visits and she has a satisfactory education," Hestia said.

Athena gave an 'I'll do it!' and Thalassa nodded. Perci's mother teleported them to her log cabin (she didn't have a palace so she figured the coziest place on earth is a warm log cabin in the snowy mountains). They sat in the living room by the blazing fire, holding steaming mugs of hot cocoa.

Finally, Perci spoke, "What did you want to talk about, mom?"

Hestia sat down her mug, "Last night, when you were created, the special circumstances gave me the choice to either keep them a secret or keep them in the dark. One of the many things I've learned from having such a chaotic family is that secrets never stay buried forever, and when they're uncovered by the person they were hidden from, it never ends well." Hestia paused to let that sink in and then asked a question, "Do you remember anything from before you came into my care?"

Perci thought for a moment, "I remember flashes of faces and names," she scrunched up her face in concentration, "Especially this one name: Annabeth" she shook her head as if it was too painful to think about it, "Then I remember being brought into the dark, and then into joy. After a while in joy, I was put in a cage. Then I felt like ice water was dumped on me and you started crying so I hugged you."

"Well, now you're going to learn about that." Hestia smiled. She told her daughter all about her creation, her past life's adventures, accomplishments, lover, enemies, friends, family, everyone, everything. She was also informed that Piper & Jason had perished and Frank had been missing for the last twenty years (which ended in a crying session). Hestia promised her that once she finished her training, she could visit her friends.

 Hestia promised her that once she finished her training, she could visit her friends

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