Focus // Part One

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Focus. That's all I had to do was focus. My eyes shot open, the smell of fire ruining my sense of smell. Everything was fuzzy, I could hear people talking, crying and shouting. I didn't know what was happening, I couldn't focus on anything. My control over my body was slowly coming back, I attempted to move, but it resulted in pain rushing through my body demanding me to stay still.
Everything seemed wrong, like I was on my side. Wait, I think I am sidewards. Suddenly, everything was clear. Shards of glass, a seatbelt covered in red, red hair.. I turned my head, biting my tongue to try get rid of the agonizing pain. My eyes locked onto the red hair, that soon became a person. Her t-shirt drenched in dark crimson. Then I realized her hair wasn't red, it was blonde.
Abruptly, the unrecognizable woman, I could recognize. Perrie. My mission was set, all I had to do was save her. I tried to move but my seatbelt didn't allow me. Despite my efforts of getting it off me, I couldn't, I didn't have an ounce of strength left in my body. I took another glance at my blonde wife. That was all the motivation I needed. My quivering hands met the buckle, a soft sigh of relief escaped my mouth as it released me.
I reached over, trying to unbuckle Perrie. I swiftly realized that it was a terrible idea as the blonde seemed unconscious, so she would crush me without knowing it. I cried, not because of my own pain but because I couldn't save her when she needed me the most. I done the worst possible thing I could do, I gave up. The distant sound of a siren, would've brought me hope but I felt like I failed, I failed her.

My eyes fluttered open, a beeping noise drilling through my skull. I tried to lift my arm but the pain caused a wince to escape my lips. I drifted my gaze from the white walls to my arm, only to see a cast around it.
The only thing rushing through my mind was Perrie. I couldn't help but to think it was my fault. I pressured her to bring me out for dinner and it resulted in this.
The door opened slowly, bringing me out of my thoughts, I should be thankful for that, that's the worst possible place I could be right now.
"Mrs. Thirlwall-Edwards?" A middle aged man walked through the door, his white coat giving away that he is a doctor. I gave him a slight nod, as words suddenly became an effort to get out. "I'll cut to the chase, I know that patients don't like my rambling." He gave a slight smile before continuing, "Your arm is broken in two places, it should be healed in seven to twelve weeks. As for your head, you banged it quite hard, but nothing serious, pain killers will help for a couple of days then you should be fine."
I couldn't care less about myself right now, all I cared about was Perrie. "Can I leave now?"
"No, sorry madam. We just want to keep an eye on you for a couple hours, just to make sure you're fine to go."
I was expecting that answer, so it didn't bother me at all. "All about Perrie?" The doctor frowned before opening his mouth.
"Em, I haven't heard any news yet, I will come straight to you when I do."
He gave me a small smile before walking away. I was left alone again. Surrounded by nothing but white. It reminded me of the day, I married Perrie, her beautiful white dress and gleaming smile. Her vow that she admitted she never focused on anything so hard in her life.
My gut was telling me something was wrong, but I tried my best to ignore it. I didn't know how I could live with myself if she was hurt because of my stupid decision. I love her so much, I couldn't begin to even imagine her hurt.
The door opened, my eyes staring directly at it, expecting the doctor to come back in. Instead, I was met by Jesy and Leigh-Anne's concerned facial expressions. The silence would've dominated the room but Leigh-Anne challenged it, holding up biscuits.
"I brought biscuits, your favorite." I gave her a small smile, then held my free arm out, taking them into my own grasp.
The room fell silent again, as Jesy and Leigh-Anne took a seat next to my bed. Jesy laced her hand in mine, the same way Perrie used to. It didn't feel the same but it still gave me a little comfort.
"When are you allowed to go?" Jesy asked, avoiding the delicate conversation of the car crash.
"Couple hours." I turned my head away from her, now gazing at the white walls.
"Did they say anything about Perrie?" Leigh-Anne asked quickly, not knowing whether or not it was touchy.
I responded with a shake of my head, Leigh-Anne and Jesy stayed silent. The atmosphere in the room was weird, they didn't know what to say and for me, the blonde was at the center of my thoughts.
Another hour passed, Leigh-Anne's snoring although it was soft it kept me awake. Jesy was battling sleep, a battle she looked like she was currently losing. Almost automatically they both sat up, as a doctor opened the door, the same one from earlier.
"Hello girls, I already met Mrs.Thirlwall-Edwards, so hello," he gave a soft smile but it suddenly dropped when he opened his mouth, "I have just gotten news about Perrie," He stopped to gather himself, a crushing pain in my heart already telling me it's not good, "She suffered a wound in her abdomen, we managed to stop the bleeding. That's not the bad news though,"
Tears were already streaming down my face. The doctor looked to me for permission to continue, I gave him a slight nod, my vision becoming more and more blurry by the second.
"The injury to her head caused a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. There is a fifty percent mortality rate in the first six months. In this case however, if she does survive there will be severe complications, that's if she wakes up though,"
The sobs already escaped my lips, I didn't know how to handle this. I needed Perrie. One question ran through my brain, "If?"
"Yes, I'm sorry to inform you that she has fallen into a coma, she has a very low survival rate, as only few people have survived a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage coma. I'm sorry."
I couldn't control myself anymore, I allowed the sobs to take me over. I could hear the doctor talking, but I didn't listen. The door shut, and the girls tried to calm me down but the only one who could do that was Perrie.

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