Hosting his fear [Ohshc Yaoi/Shonen ai]

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Name- Tatsuya Raiden

Gender- Male

Height- 5' 10"

Blood Type- AB

Favorite subjects- English, Art, Music, 

Horoscope sign- Aries

Age- 16

Favorite foods- Sweets, Mitarashi Dango, ramen (Not the instant stuff)

Class- First year, class A

Personality- Tatsuya doesn't like to talk all that much when you first meet him, but when you get to know him he becomes louder and smiles a lot. Tatsuya enjoys quiet and dark places, and he blushes very easily.  He loves music and art very much. Tatsuya can play many instruments and has a wonderful singing voice, but the only person he sings for is his mom, and even then he gets nervous. Will be the person who would keep something really creepy when everyone else wouldn't want it (he doesn't like it when people neglect or abandon something/someone.)

Quirks- blushes very easily, has stage fright, stutters like crazy when embarrassed or shocked by something/someone, has a pretty sharp temper, hates to be woken up (Is worse than Kyoya.) is Bi-polar, loves cute things (Loves Hunny and Usa-chan.)

Fears- Women and being completely alone (Having no one to turn to, or having anyone be around and/or want to be with you)

[Puppet: Actually my worst fear, being completely alone. When i come up with characters i usually like to have a part of me in them, so i can really learn to love the character]

Hair- Pale blonde hair with red bangs

Eyes- Golden cat like eyes with dark rings around his pupil

Nationality- British, and Japanese

Family- Mom (Tatsuki Raiden - 41), Dad (Hiroshi Raiden - 46) [Dead]

Name- Tatsuki Raiden

Age- 41

Quirks- she hides her true emotions a lot, she sometimes mixes her son up with her husband. (They look almost identical. Tatsuya got some of his personality from Tatsuki and his looks from his dad) And she usually like to where men’s clothing while working and relaxing

Hair- long brown and is slightly graying, usually in a low ponytail

Eyes- golden cat like eyes

Nationality- Japanese

Hosting his fear [Ohshc Yaoi/Shonen ai]Where stories live. Discover now