1: Event

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His hand lingers on the brass , silently debating in his head if it's worth breaking the news to his two underclassmen about their dear friend Sawamura Eijun.
Kuramochi exhales deeply, before forcefully pulling the dorm door open; The two boys sat in front of the Xbox jolt at the sudden sound.
"Kuromochi-San!" Haruchi exclaims, lifting himself off the beanbag only to take four steps and fall into the third-year's arms. Furuya gets up as well, joining his fellow teammate to listen to the news.
"Have you found out anything about Sawamura-Kun's condition? Is he alright?"
For someone who usually shys away from direct conversation, the younger Kominoto brother is being especially quizzical tonight. The other second-year waits quietly, still as eager for a response.
"Actually..." Kuramochi stutters, "Sawamura is recovering at an excellent rate, like uh, a really fast and good one...." It doesn't sound believable, but for someone who was struck in the head with a baseball from a faulty hit, Eijun was apparently in 'great condition!'
"Will he... be able to come back? To Seido?" Haruchi continues to ask. "They uh, said that he would be discharged sometime this week, and that he'd return by the weekend?" Kuramochi scratches his head, trying to quote what Rei had told him earlier that evening. "Why isnt he going back to Nagano for a bit? Isn't the best place for him to be at home resting?" Furuya finally inputs. "That's what he's been doing at the hospital, apparently" Kuramochi replies. "Oh" Haruchi mumbles, now stepping away from his teammate.
"Um, I'm sorry but there's something I havent mentioned about his condition yet" Kuramochi blurts, a look of guilt plastered all over his face.
"Huh?" The other two boys reply in unison.
"Sawamura... uh," Kuramochi slowly steps away from the others, now feeling even more guiltsomn than he did before. "Sawamura has amnesia"

After Miyuki had announced that he was going to be away for a month due to family reasons, Coach Katoaka had promoted Kuramochi to being temporary captain. Turns out that captains have to deal with a lot more than just supporting the team whilst on the field, because fifteen days after Sawamura's tragic accident Kuramochi was suddenly being called in to every other office to talk about the young Pitcher's condition.
"The doctors claimed that the amnesia came with the head Injury, and that this was the the type of said amnesia that would heal itself alongside with the injury" Kuramochi listens closely to what Rei is telling him. "So I guess what they were trying to say is that by the time Eijun's head injury is near-fully healed, so should his retrograde-amnesia" Kuramochi picks up on that last line. "How long will his head take to heal?" He inquires. "Well, that we didn't get a direct answer for, but hopefully before he reaches true adulthood. So give it a couple of years." Kuramochi collapses back on to the sofa, sighing miserably.
"Look...." Rei begins. "They ran several pathological tests on sawamura to determine the severity and direct impact he had gotten; it seems that it affects particularly his emotional and contextual memory, meaning that he'll have trouble remembering his relationships, teammates and places. This also applies to pretty insignificant stuff like food flavors and maybe even some complex kanji. They also say that traumatic memories may come back with triggers, which is apparently common among people who had amnesia. However his intellect, muscle memory, and overall knowledge wasnt affected to a major degree"
The manager and the co-captain sit in silence, taking in what had just been discussed.
"So... he won't remember us? or even remember meeting us!?" Kuramochi exclaims, his hands gripping tensely against the tough leather fabric.
"Well.... yes, but that isn't to say he'll have a hard time re-forming the relationships he previously had, Sawamura is aware that he has amnesia, and that he's forgotten major aspects of his life"
All too son, Rei's phone rings. "Oh, Kuramochi you're dismissed" She then proceeds to exit her office and take the call.

Friday, 3:57pm

Over the course of the previous week, people eventually found out what had happened to Sawamura. The entire team was devastated, one of their star pitchers would be returning as a completely new person this afternoon.
Coach Katoka had informed everyone to practise and train like normal, specifically pulling Kuramochi, Haruchi, and Furuya aside to welcome Sawamura's return.
The three boys were lingering around anxiously, awaiting to see Rei approach with the second-year pitcher they all new and loved.
Although not showing it, Haruchi may be the most anxious of them all."hellstillbeabletopitchright?heshioudldnthaveforghotenabyofvhisbasleballknowlekhenevuaaethatcouwkdbeanipmosttragedsgy-" is inaudible to anyone but himself, as he attempts to console his anxiety in mumbling incoherently.
"Is that..... him?" Furuya suddenly pipes, pointing to the brunette is casual attire alongside Rei. "It has to be him!" Kuramochi cries, racing to meet the two half way.
"He looks.... normal? like his regular self?" Kuramochi thinks to himself upon seeing the younger boy.
"Ah, Hello" Eijun replies quite openly. Despite his introduction, Sawamura's hands are trembling, and it looks like he hasn't stopped sweating in an hour. "Hey... Sawamura"
Awkward tension fills the atmosphere, but thankfully Rei gives Kuramochi another question to talk.
"Oh-, I'm Yõichi Kuramochi, a third-year short-stop and the co-captain of this team! I also happen to be your roommate" The two shake hands, but Kuramochi cant help but be slightly disappointed that he wasnt remembered.
"I'm Satoru Furuya, I'm a second-year pitcher... we uh..., we were.... friends" The raven haired second-year interrupts, also extending a hand for Sawamura to shake. This came as a surprise to both Haruchi and Kuramochi, as neither of them expected for Furuya to actively call Eijun his friend.
Sawamura weakly smiles, aware of the tainted situation everyone's in.
Haruchi eagerly adds to the line of introductions. "I'm Kominoto Haruchi, third baseman... we were... good friend" Just as he finishes his sentence, Rei starts hers. "Well Eijun, I'm going to leave you with these boys, Kuramochi is our substituting for our captain at the moment, so you can inform him of any concerns you may have" They share a look™️, and before they know it, they're suddenly left alone with Sawamura.
"It feels so different, he's the same person... right?" Kuramochi thinks to himself once again. "We should go to the bullpen, play some catch and chat" Haruchi suggests, breaking the tension-filled silence.
The four boys walks a mere distance to the bullpen and collect some gear. Sawamura looks more than content to play with the others, possibly due to the fact that he's trying to steady the awkwardness of reforming his forgotten friendships.
"So what do you remember" Furuya suddenly blurts, earning two enraged looks from his fellow teammates who were attempting to approach that question... in a more delicate way.
"I-,..." Eijun looks up, attempting to gather distant memories from the back of his head. "Baseball? I remember my pitches?" He hesitantly replies, fumbling around with a baseball in his right palm.
"Well let's see what you can recall" Kuramochi says, grabbing a catcher's Mitt and crouching down at one end of the bullpen.
Sawamura walks over to the other end with ball and Mitt in hand. "Just... any pitch?" he asks, looking incredibly confused.
"Anything you want" The other boy replies. Haruchi and Furuya look on at the two, who are now throwing the ball back at fourth at raging speeds.
"Well, he certainly hasn't forgotten how to pitch" Furuya comments quietly to Haruchi. "He just... doesn't have as much enthusiasm" Kominoto adds.
"I'm not actually a catcher, so I cant say that I did a good job catching your pitches but you pitched just like you did before-, your uh, accident" Kuramochi compliments. "How is your head anyway?" Haruchi asks. "It feels fine, still a bit sore to touch though" Eijun replies.
"So, we were told that you're having trouble remembering people? like your teammates?" Kuramochi approaches from behind, earning a small frightened reaction from the other boy.
"Well... yes.... but it's not that I've sorta.... forgotten the people it's just that I've... forgotten that I knew them? It's that sort of forgotten" Sawamura attempts to explain looking at the other boys surrounding him. "Although, when I saw you" Sawamura points to Haruchi, "I thought; 'hey that person has crazy coloured hair.... pink... I remember pink'" Haruchi shyly blushes, his fringe covering most of the matching pink tint on his cheeks.
"Any... anyone else?" Kuramochi asks again.
"Well.... there's this one person, I cant remember their name, or what they look like, but I.... know they exist, I can remember their presence? if that makes sense? I'm sorry-, All my visual memory is fucked up" The other three immediately hush him. Excluding Furuya, the boys have been cautious in how they've been treating Eijun, as if one wrong word could set him off like a time bomb.
"It makes sense, uh, I guess we should get to telling you about our other teammates?"
The upperclassman suggests.
The four boys then plop on the ground, chatting for while before getting to the actual conversational topic.
"So... our actual captain is a third-year catcher, Kazuya Miyuki..." Kuramochi begins. Sawamura shakes his head, "Sorry, I don't recall him" Kuramochi mentally sighs, before going on. "He has quite a disgusting personality, and he can be a little bitch at times... but he can honestly be one of the best people you've ever met" Haruchi butts in. "You two got along really well, he was... probably the closest friend you had here."
Sawamura groans, "I feel terrible, I hate it! I cant remember any of these people that I somehow formed depth friendships with" He buries his head in his hands, only to feel a reassuring one rubbing against his back. "You'll improve Sawamura, as long as your injury continues to heal so will your amnesia"
The brunette looks at his fellow classmate. "Thank you..."
"Thanks Furuya"

The four boys spent the rest of the afternoon talking about their other friends, and all the people who made an impact of Sawamura's life before his accident. They went over some baseball tactics and Furuya re-informed Eijun of the pitching signals that were used between catchers and pitchers at Seido. After sunset Kuramochi took Sawamura back to their doom room, where he Introduced him to their first-year roommate Teito, who was equally as distraught.
"Um, I have to pick up some medication from Rei-Sensei, she told me that she'd have them by 9pm" Sawamura lingers near the door, waiting for a conformation from his older roommate.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Teito asks, not really giving Eijun a chance to say yes or no.
"Ah, yes please" Sawamura smiles, the two then leaving the room to find Rei and collect the plot convenient medication.
Not even two minutes after the pair had left, Kuramochi suddenly heard pounding on the front door of the room. He pushes himself up from his desk and lazily trots over to the door. Upon opening the door, Kuramochi is bombarded by none other than Miyuki Kazuya.
"I heard about what happened to Sawamura-!, Is he okay? Is he h-" Kuramochi shushes him. "Sawamura and Teito just left to pick up some medication. We talked to him earlier today and he seems to be fine in the area of remembering baseball.... I cant say the same for his teammates though" Kuromochi automatically repeats. Miyuki whimpers, almost falling backwards in disbelief. "So... I guess he doesn't remember me?" He sulks.
"Nope, he remembers nobody" Kuramochi gloomly replies.
Miyuki removes his glasses and rubs his temple soothingly, "but... he's okay right? he isn't hurting.... right?" Kuramochi sighs. "Not on the outside at least"

His instructions were simple; practise with Sawamura until he is confident enough to re-join the first string. Kuramochi didn't mind this at all, now that Miyuki was back he had all the weight of filling in as captain lifted off his shoulders. Sawamura was also contient with this, but it was still obvious to everyone on the team that he wasnt his regular self.
"Wanna take a break?" Kuramochi suggests, pocketing the ball that Eijun had just thrown at him. "Sure" he replies, walking over to his water bottle to quench his thirst. Kuramochi does the same thing, but he's quickly cut off my Sawamura shouting. "Him-! I recognize th-that-, him! he's the one I was talking about yesterday!" he points to a brunette sporting a hat and a pair of glasses in the not-so-far distance. "T-that's... that's Miyuki Kazuya! He's our captain" Kuramochi informs, now also staring at the trotting captain. "What do you mean by... you 'remember' him?"
Sawamura remains silent through his question, his eyes fixated on the now named boy, Miyuki Kazuya. Just when Kuramochi thinks that Eijun didn't hear him, he answers his questions. "I... when I was in therapy my counselor would ask me so many questions about my time at seido... and I just remember thinking about this specific person, like... I just knew there was a special person..." Sawamura looks back at the Captain. "And oh my god, he's that special person"

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