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Evelyn's POV:

"Hurry up!", I giggled, pulling my sunglasses down over my eyes. "I'm driving."

"Really? I'm having a girl drive me around?", he let out a soft laugh, looking down shyly. This boy needs more confidence... 

I rolled my eyes, "A: that's sexist and B: I think it's about time the sweet, shy boy has a bit of a confidence boost."

He widened his bright blue eyes,"W-What do you mean?"

"I mean you're absolutely adorable, but if you had a little more faith in yourself, you'd be a total knockout.", I spoke as if I were talking to a two-year old.

Light pink flushed over Isaac's cheeks, "Oh ok, what are we going to do since we're skipping school?"

"I'm thinking food because I didn't get to eat breakfast today, and then we'll come back. My sister would kill me if I stranded her at this hellhole."

"You have a sister?", he asked, shocked.

Starting up the car, I explained, "Yeah, but I'm not surprised that you don't know her. She prefers being invisible to the world. It's actually tragic, but anyways where do you want to eat?"

"Wherever you want to eat.", Isaac shrugged. "But if you don't mind me asking, why are you even talking to me right now? You're popular, and I'm a loser."

I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, causing him to flinch, but relax when he realized I wasn't going to hurt him, weird, "Hey, you're not a loser Isaac, but I don't really care about the social status of my friends. I'm not Lydia Martin."

He snorted at the Lydia remark, "Let's just go get food."

"Off to McDonald's we go!", I screamed, speeding out the school's parking lot.


"I can't believe you've never had McDonald's before!", I shrieked grabbing our food off the counter to find a booth for us.

His eyes glazed over, "My dad doesn't really take me out much."

"Oh.", I muttered, seeing the heaviness of the topic. I pulled out my order of chicken nuggets, popping one in my mouth, and humming out a sigh of content. "Chicken nuggets are fast food heaven, I don't know how you got a hamburger."

"Because hamburgers are way better.", he said through a mouthful of food.

"No they're not!", I gasped, slamming my fist down on the table. We continued to bicker back and forth about whether hamburgers or chicken nuggets were better, when Isaac gave up finally admitting that chicken nuggets were obviously better. I smirked in victory, "Damn straight. We should probably get going, last period is halfway over."

"I have a chemistry test last period!", Isaac cried out, panicking.

"So?", I furrowed my eyebrows. "I missed like four tests today."

"I can't get another bad grade, it'll bring me down to a D! I can't!", by now he was hyperventalating. IS HE HAVING A PANIC ATTACK?! WHAT DO I DO?! 

I ran my fingered through my glossy blonde locks, "Don't worry Isaac, we can get back there in time! I-I-I" Between my stutter, tear collected in my eyes, threatening to spill over. COME ON EVELYN, THINK! WHAT DID WE LEARN IN HEALTH CLASS ABOUT PANIC ATTACKS LAST YEAR?! HE LOOKS LIKE HE CAN'T BREATHE, JUST REMEMBER! WAIT, THAT'S IT! HE NEEDS TO HOLD HIS BREATH! I quickly covered his mouth with my hand, but it wasn't working at all, it just made him panic even more! So I did the only thing that came to mind: I kissed him. Cupping his cheeks, I pulled him closer and pressed my lips against his own soft ones. Everything was silent, like everything else in the world was being blocked out, everything was still. With my eyes still shut, I broke off the kiss. Backing away, they fluttered open. 

"Why did you kiss me?", he asked breathlessly.

I felt my face heat up, "You were having a panic attack, and I remembered learning that holding your breath helps....so I got you to hold your breath."

"Um, okay. We should probably go back to school now.", Isaac awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah let's go.", I murmured, rushing out the glass doors to my car for a long, silent, totally awkward drive back to Beacon Hills High. Once we pulled up I called to him, "Now, go ace that chemistry test!", as he sped inside the school to his classroom, leaving me alone to think about the quiet, dorky boy in my homeroom.

About fifteen minutes later, I spotted Erica's fuzzball of frizzy hair in the wave of students, "Hi.", she mumbled, the smallest smile tugging at the corners of her chapped lips. This was basically all I got everyday, she was extremely quiet, the polar opposite of me. I think it's because she's embarrassed about her epilepsy, which I don't really get it's a disease that tons of people struggle with, or maybe it's because she wants to be the responsible one so I don't make our mom tear her hair out. Either way, she's very quiet.

"You'll never believe what happened today! I skipped school with this cute little shy boy in our homeroom, Isaac Lahey-"

She piped up, "You mean the one that's had a crush on you since like fourth grade."

"Yeah- wait huh?!", my eyes became as wide as saucers.

My blonde sister tilted her head, "You mean you didn't know?"

"No, no I didn't!", I shrieked. 

"Well then it's just you, I'm pretty sure everyone noticed. He's not exactly subtle about it, it's like that one kid Stiles with Lydia."

I slammed my head on the steering wheel, "It's that bad?"

"Yeah.", she sighed. "Just start driving, and tell me the rest of the story."


"Evelyn Marie Reyes.", my mother growled as soon as I stepped over the threshold into my house.

"Well hello to you too.", I muttered.

Her eye twitched, "You're failing three classes and it's only halfway through the first semester."

"And? That's the way it's always been."

"Well there's no way I'm letting you repeat another year. I already called the school to assign you a a tutor.", she snapped.

"Mom, I don't need a tutor! I can bring up my grades!", I pleaded, dramatically clasping my hands together.

Putting her hand on her hip, she replied, "Too late, your principal has already assigned you a tutor, Isaac Lahey. Erica, will he be a good tutor for your sister?" Our mother always asked Erica any final desicions, probably just to provoke me since I was the older one.

"Yes I know him, he'll be perfect for Evelyn.", she smirked. Traitor.

"Alright, Isaac starts tutoring you tomorrow."

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