Chapter 2

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(Kyle Pov)


letting out a small groan of pain opening my eyes to see a dirty floor under me, sitting up I looked around seeing a dark room making me bite my bottom lip nervous. slowly pressing my palms to the floor trying to push myself up I let out a small yelp as my ankle stung.

"f-fuck!" I hissed out in pain looking down at my right leg happy to see I wasn't bleeding or anything, "must of sprained it..." I muttered out wiggling the leg happy that I can still use it.

slowly getting my thoughts together I glancing around the room noticing it's still a classroom but I didn't recognize the room, biting my bottom lip again using one of the small tables to help me up letting out a small whimper of pain while doing so.

I could see that the floor around me was broken with holes everywhere that leads to blackness, slowly breathing in and out trying to keep calm noticing that the lights wasn't even on making the room more creepy in the darkness.

but as if my thoughts was heard the lights suddenly came on making me gasp gripping the table out of fear, I wasn't sure what was happening or where I was anymore.

going around the room I could see a loose board lying on the ground looking scratched and banged up, it still seems to be fully intact. shrugging my shoulders at the board knowing I should keep checking this place out.

slowly strolling around the room not wanting to stay in this spot anymore I could see that the other half of the classroom was cut off but I could still see the other side clearly, scanning the other side slowly my eyes widen seeing Stan laying on the other side knocked out.

"s-shit Stan?!" I called out worried, my body went into panic wanting to get to the other side to my best friend fast. looking around the room again I could spot a door that would lead to the hallway, "d-don't worry Stan I'm on my way" I mumbled rushing out of the creepy classroom.

in my panic I kept rushing myself making sure I didn't fall down any of the holes in the hallway before yelping as I landed face first to the floor, "shit..." I hissed out holding my nose in pain sitting on my knees.

my ankle must of gave in from me trying to push it...

slowly pushing myself back up ignoring the pain that shot through my body, I got to go see Stan...

getting to a dead end beside another door that would have Stan inside but stopped seeing a piece of paper hanging on the wall making me stroll over slowly.

Heavenly Post
'Third Student reported missing 

'One by one, the young students of heavenly host -------- school seem to be disappearing, as now a third student has joined the ranks of the missing.Classmates testify that fifth-grader ------- was on here way home from school, but got separated from her friends in the hall and hasn't been seen since.Police are investigating the possibility of a serial kidnapping and have assigned countless investigators to the case in hopes of a speedy resolution.

However, ten days have already passed since the first disappearance, giving parents and classmates ample cause for concern.

frowning at the news letter feeling myself shiver, "t-this looks real..." I mumbled to myself feeling my nerves building up, shaking my head fast I went through the doors towards my best friend.

as soon I got into the classroom again I rushed over to him getting on my knees and shaking him, "Stan, Stan wake up!" I said concerned. focusing Stan's body making sure he wasn't hurt I felt myself sigh happily seeing he's still breathing, "Lazy bones wake up!" I said shaking him a little harder this time.

Stan groaned sleepily opening his blue eyes slowly meeting my green eyes before yawning, "Kyle? what's up?" he mumbled rubbing his eyes like a child making me glared at him. "Don't you 'what's up' me! I thought you were hurt!" I scolded making Stan look at me confuse.

as if life had hit him, Stan looked around the classroom looking even more confuse. "where?... are we?" he mumbled noticing the tiny desks and holes around the room, "what's going on?!" he asked worried.

"I'm not sure..." I responded being honest staying on the floor as Stan got up stretching a little before strolling over to the windows and start trying to open it, "u-ugh.. it won't move" he mumbled going to the next window "These windows are sealed up tight" Stan said sighing.

slowly getting up biting my lip in pain walking over peeking over through the windows seeing it was pitch black out there, I couldn't make heads or tails of what I was seeing...

"what the fuck is going on?" I hissed out crossing my arms as Stan sigh beside me, "Well... this is clearly a school building" he mumbled as if I didn't know that. Looking over at the desks noticing how small they were "the desks seem unusually small for a high school..." I stated.

"it remind me of an elementary school when we were younger..." Stan whispered rubbing the back of his neck nervous, I stared at Stan feeling goosebumps from hearing that. "we can't be in am... elementary school Stan" I stated not seeing how we would end up in one.

Stan stared at me a little longer before walking to the door where another piece of paper was hanging beside it, I stood there waiting confuse biting the inside of my cheek hearing Stan gasp in fear.

"w-what is it?" I asked in a low voice walking closer to him, "The printout... on the wall it says, 'Heavenly Host Elementary - notice to all faculty and students'" Stan mumbled backing up from the paper.

Heavenly Host...? isn't that... The elementary school that was shut down and demolished?!

Stan's eyes was fulled with fear as he was slowly shaking "what the hell is going on?!" he said scared, he soon turned to face me "where the fuck are we?" he questioned as if I knew the answers this time.

"w-where are our friends?" he said noticing that no one else is here besides us.

I knew I had to calm him down even if I was freaking out as well, I grabbed both of his shoulders making Stan face me. "Calm down Stan, don't get so worked up" I said not making eye contact. Stan was breathing deeply trying to calm himself down making me pull him into a hug rubbing circles on his back to smooth him.

we both ended up sitting on the floor in silence, hand in hand beside me I could feel Stan shaking so hard I could hear his teeth chatter in fear. I've became completely light-headed, and couldn't even think straight for a good answer for what's happening to us.

I wanted this to be a bad dream and I would wake up any second back at home... but the silence was the worst part of it all... I couldn't take it anymore, I had to say something, anything!

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