Chapter 1

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Okay saying Flash was a little bit late for school was an understatement, he probably missed his entire first period. If this kept up he would have a worse attendance than Peter Parker. Flash still has no idea on how that kid is top of the class when he misses so much time in school. However, today wasn't his fault though. He was minding his own business until he saw the cities favorite vigilante. He watched Spider-Man take down a couple thugs in a convenience store who were probably trying to rob the place, they were wearing black face masks and they carried big bags. There was about six of them trying to fight of Spider-Man. The question Flash was thinking is why the hell would these guys try to rob a store in broad daylight?

Flash had a good reason to stand by a building and watch though. The reason being that Spider-Man was right there, and Flash hasn't gotten to see his new suit close up yet. His new suit made his old one look like it belonged with the dinosaurs, this one was tight (probably spandex) and it really defined his muscles and butt. So it wasn't Flash's fault that he got a little bit distracted. He watched Spider-Man loosely swing around in the store and make really quick work of the bad guys before he crawled out the door and swung off. Flash of course didn't just stand there and do nothing, he got out his phone and took some high quality pictures of the new hero. So when Spider-Man was gone in the distance with the tall buildings he decided that he should probably make his way to school before he got any later. If his parents got a phone call about him being late he was going to be in big trouble.

The streets weren't that bad. He was able to make it to school before the second class was five minutes in so when he rushed in to the school he picked up a late slip at the office then proceeded to his locker, the door had pictures of Spider-Man scattered throughout the space.

He stuffed his backpack into his locker and grabbed his books before he headed to class and sat in the back after the teacher had to announce his arrival in front of everyone. Of course the class snickered at his tardiness before they payed attention to the front board. Flash looked around the class to find something interesting to do instead of listening to something he didn't really care about.

Due to the boredom he started watching his classmates, Abe was doodling on his page while partially listening, Ned was taking notes and every once in awhile whispering something to Peter who sat across from him. And Peter, he was taking notes, but from what flash could see it wasn't on anything the teacher was teaching. Flash moved his position to try to get a glance at it but Peter shifted so he hid his work and his slightly bruised arm. Wait, Peter had a bruise on his arm. It probably didn't mean anything because it was barely even showing. Besides Parker is a klutz he most likely tripped over a tiny pebble on the sidewalk.

Class went on like this until lunch when he finally got his food and sat at his table he took out his phone to watch the videos until his friends came to accompany him.

"What are you looking at?" Flash's friend Charlie said from behind him. He set his food on the table and sat down to look at Flash's phone. "Oh is that Spider-Man? Did you take that on your phone? Is that why you were late?"

"Yeah, he kicked some ass this morning, I was on my way to school and saw him." Flash turned his phone off and slipped it into his pocket. He looked at Charlie and waited for a couple other kids to join their table.

"Whoa, you got to see Spider-Man up close?" Charlie awed at Flash before he bit into his apple on his tray.

"Yep, he has a new suit that he looks awesome in, and he's a pretty cool dude." Flash started eating his lunch and his friends joined him at his table one by one as lunch went on. Eventually after a short while, the bell rang and they packed their stuff up and went to phys ed class.

In the gymnasium Flash was climbing a rope for a fitness test, he was one of the strongest kids in the class so he had no problem with making his way to the top. He overlooked the class and saw the kids doing sit ups for some Captain America Challenge, they all looked like they were struggling. Flash chuckled to himself, he would be able to do those with a perfect form and no struggles. MJ wasn't even participating because she just read her book, and Peter was talking to Ned as he obviously struggled to get one sit up done. This was right before he heard the words:

"Peter knows Spider-Man!!" Ned called out and the entire class stopped moving. Flash slid down the rope ignoring the slight burn on his hands. He didn't believe anything Peter said, he may have been the top of the class but he isn't anywhere cool or anyway in kahoots with Spidey and Tony Stark. "Their friends!" Ned continued to break the awkward silence.

"Oh yeah like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends?" Flash mocked he silently laughed to himself for the quick joke. He waited to see what lie Peter was about to say. Also no, Flash was most definitely not jealous of Peter for having a "Stark internship" or possibly being "friends" with Spider-Man.

Peter stumbled over his words as he tried to get out his reasoning for knowing Spider-Man. Liz, the girl he was talking to and probably trying to impress, sat there listening to Peter. Flash started getting bored so he decided he could set himself up.

"Well, that's awesome. Hey, you know what? Maybe you should invite him to Liz's party. Right?"

"Your having a party?" Peter meekly asked Liz after she invited him to come.

"Yeah, it's gonna be dope! You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-Man, come on he'll be there right?" Flash pushed before he left class when the bell rang. This would have only two outcomes, Peter doesn't know Spider-Man and he doesn't show up or he does and Flash gets to meet his celebrity crush.

It was pretty late before Flash could get home to quickly check his Spider-Man blog. He logged on through his computer once he got into his room. The feed was the same, just sightings of Spider-Man and some fights he has been in recently. Flash has about 100 followers on his Spider-Watch blog, and the most viewed video is from the airport battle where the avengers had their civil war. He had searched high and low and hacked some cameras to get the footage when he heard that the arachnid was involved.

After he checked his blog he quickly got his DJ bag together and threw it into his car before he was off to Liz's house.

"Hey Flash! The table is over there for you to set up! Everyone should be getting here in about half an hour." Liz greeted him at the door and she moved out of the way so he could enter.

"Thanks, it shouldn't take long." Flash walked over to the table and set his bag down, he set up his laptop and deck and some speakers. He had a couple other things that he plugged in before he set up some lights. When he was done he opened his laptop and closed his blog and opened the DJ software to cover his Spider-Man screensaver before anybody could see. Once the first 10 people showed up he started the music. He was about an hour in when he spotted the one and only Peter Parker. So he did what he was best at, make fun of Peter Parker.

"Penis Parker, whats up!!" Flash pressed the air horn sound effect in between roasts. "So where's your pal Spider-Man? Let me guess: In Canada with your imaginary girlfriend?" The people who were there laughed at the jokes he made. "That's not Spider-Man. That's just Ned in a red shirt." Flash finished before he went back to mixing the music. That's to bad, he was actually hoping that Peter did know Spidey, then Flash could make a good impression and maybe get to know him more. When he looked for Peter through the crowds he couldn't find him anywhere, he tried to fight the urge to make fun of him but in the end he couldn't help himself.

"Okay everybody! When I say Penis you say Parker!" Flash started the chant with the remaining people and continued for about five chants then started closing the party off.

When Flash got home, it was to the noise of his parents fighting. He really hated his dad sometimes. Flash snuck up the stairs to his room and changed into his pajamas before he slid into his bed. He opened his phone to look at any new Spider-Man news, his small crush on the hero was starting to get a little weird since he saw him at the store.

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