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a/n yeah so i forgot to update oops but thank you to the people commenting who reminded me! so this is for you lol. Also each chapter is about 1-2k words so have fun! Oh and there is some Tony at the end :) e/a/n

The next month at school went by fast. Everyone started having some sort of celebrity crush on Spider-Man and after Washington the school practically fell in love with the hero. Flash was kind of annoyed, he was the only one who actually liked Spider-Man before Washington. Well except for Liz but she is gone now.

News quickly spread about Liz's dad selling criminal weapons, and of course he was stopped by Spider-Man. Liz's life must be pretty crappy, first Washington, then she was ditched at homecoming by Peter (of course), and now her dad is in prison.

Flash was giddy whenever he heard news about Spider-Man saving people, it lit some happy part inside of him, and on days like these he was nicer to people like Peter and Ned. School still went on, even if Spider-Man was just offered to be an avenger, and even if Tony Stark was getting married. So Flash sped down the hallway to his next class when a poster caught his eye and he skidded to a stop.

"Spider-Man fan club?" Flash read, he looked over the flyer. The first meeting was the upcoming lunch, then meet every Wednesdays and Fridays at lunch. Well now Flash could actually show that he knew the most about Spider-Man and likes more than everybody.

Lunch came fast and Flash was sitting in the assigned classroom with a couple of other students. The doors opened and he turned to see Ned Leeds pushing in Peter Parker who obviously didn't want to be here.

"Hey, Penis. What are you doing here?" Peter scowled at Ned beside him when Flash made the comment.

"Nothing Flash." Peter grumbled hiding his face.

"Do you really think you are a fan of Spider-Man?"

Peter made some grumbling noises that nobody really picked up on. Flash just ignored it. What were they even supposed to do here? Talk about Spider-Man? Maybe, if Flash could get close to Peter he could find out if he is lying about his internship. If he's not then Flash could totally score a date with Spider-Man. So Flash did something he never thought he would do. Talk to Peter Parker like a civilized human.

"Hey Peter!' Flash called. The first step is show some sort of decency and go slow. When Peter heard his actual name coming out of Peter's mouth he looked up and his eyes were wide and he was stuttering. It was kind of adorable.

"Wai- wha-um, yeah? Wait, what did you just call me?" His mouth was opening and closing.

"I called you Peter? Since we are here, can you tell me about Spider-Man?" Flash attempted to pull an innocent card.

"What? Oh yeah um, well he is um. I know him." Peter said.

"I know you do, that's why i'm asking if you could tell me about him, is he funny? Does he tell you about his patrols?" Flash sat beside Peter and looked at the other teen.

"Oh well, yeah he is actually funny. He makes a lot of jokes, even if they are bad." Peter laughed a little and his cheeks tinted a soft pink. "Um he tells me about a lot of his patrols. Whenever i'm over with Mr. Stark he talks to me." Peter was still looking at the ground avoiding eye contact with Flash and anybody else in the room.

"What does he usually do? Oh! How many big crimes has he stopped? Is he an Avengers yet?" Now Flash's spider filter came off and he almost fanboyed over Spider-Man in front of Peter Parker. Peter only smiled at him.

"He usually works with smaller crimes, but every once in a while he is called out to go on a mission with the Avengers. Mostly just bank robberies, cats in trees and things like that. He also trains with the Avengers on Fridays and sometimes he stays over for weekends." Peter smiled at Flash.

"Wait. He trains with the avengers? What does he do?" Flash actually didn't know that Spidey was training with earth's protectors.

"Oh, he spars with a robot that Mr. Stark built, he also does target practice for his webs. He has like this super flexibility and he plays around with the equipment and makes obstacle courses for himself, I have a video that I could show you next time, if i find it." Peter went on about Spider-Man, he actually seemed to know a lot about the hero and Flash listened carefully to any detail he could get from Peter. They sat and talked about Spider-Man and the Avengers for the entire time until the bell went signaling the end of lunch. Flash actually enjoyed himself. He got to see this side of Peter and Spider-Man that most people don't get to see.

"Hey, um Flash? Uh thanks for actually talking to me, I guess." Peter looked at him kind of embarrassed.

"Yeah, whatever Parker, its for Spider-Man. See you later nerd." Flash replied before walking out of the classroom.

At the end of the day Flash ran out of the school and when he got home he went through his routine of homework, spider-blog and eating. Then he carefully crawled out of his window and sat on his roof watching the sunset. He needed to get out of the house, it always felt like it was suffocating him, with his parents and all the work everywhere. He could see the skyline of New York and he smiled he he saw a small silhouette of Spider-Man swinging through the towers.

Peter Parker's POV

4:27 before he started patrol.

"Hey Mr. Stark!" Peter called when he entered his lab.

"Hey kiddo, how was school?" Tony asked, he was focusing on a circuit board that he was fixing.

"It was actually pretty good, Flash was being kind of nice, and we were talking about Spider-Man." Peter threw his backpack on the floor by the nearest desk and he pulled out his suit.

"Uh huh, that's good. Wait, is Flash that kid that bullies you?" Tony eyed Peter, looking up from his work.

"What? No! I mean kind of? But he was being really nice today, and he was like fangirling over Spider-Man. We had a nice civil conversation." Peter laid his suit out on his desk and started scrubbing out dirt with a Lysol wipe.

"Oh that's nice, I guess." he said turning back to his work. "Wait, are you cleaning your suit with a Lysol wipe?" Tony questioned Peter when he saw him start scrubbing off a dark stain.

"Umm, because that's how I wash it?" Peter continued scrubbing the dark patches.

"Kid, get over here. I'm just gonna wash it for you before you go out because you obviously don't know a thing about laundry and super suits, maybe I can upgrade Karen or something." Tony sighed and took the suit from Peter. "Oh, and if Flash is causing you trouble, let me know." Tony turned back to his work.

Peter shrugged and took out his laptop and did some assignments online while waiting for his suit. Flash was acting like a decent human towards him earlier, maybe Peter could actually become his friend. He also seemed to really love Spider-Man, so that wouldn't scare him away either.

a/n there chapter three! Also I will definitely update the fourth chapter sometime later today.  

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