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||||I already have the entire story written and posted somewhere else lmaoo so im just posting whenever i feel like it lol.||||


The week went on as usual for Flash, he'd go to school, come home to his parents fighting and he'd hide in his room while checking on his blog or struggling with his homework. He heard about Spider-Man fighting some guys with purple technology but he doesn't have full details or proof. He sat in his hotel room preparing himself for his final competition the next day. Peter claimed he couldn't go due to his Stark internship which Flash obviously didn't believe, and of course right when they were about to leave he strolls up and takes his spot back. That lead to Flash sitting in his hotel room going over study cards preparing himself for the tournament.

He was on a 16 question streak, and if he looked at the answer for a couple cards nobody would know. Right now Flash's only concern was being smarter than Peter so he deserved his spot on the team.

"What sorts of signals does the brain use to communicate sensations, thoughts and actions? What?" Flash read over the card and searched his brain for the answer, Peter would know this. Flash stared at the card and something dinged in his brain when the answer came. "Oh! The single cell communicates through electrical and chemical signals!" Flash flipped the card over to reveal that his answer was right and he mentally patted himself on the back. A couple cards later and Flash got bored so he put his homework away and went to bed. Tomorrow he would show the team that he was more fit to be on the team.

Flash woke up the next day to the sunlight peeking through the curtains. He checked his phone for any notifications and of course, just a reminder to start getting ready to leave from his alarm he set.

His eyes were partly closed while his eyes adjusted from the bright light, then he crawled out from beneath the covers and changed into proper clothes so he would be ready to leave whenever the class decides to meet. Flash went to brush his teeth and fix his hair before he sat on his bed with his laptop opened on his lap.

"Lets see what Spidey has been up to." Flash mumbled to himself when he went on google. Apparently he has been spotted by Washington. What was he doing in Washington ? Flash thought to himself. Maybe he was following them because they were from Queens. Oh my God what if he's following me? Does he know me? Maybe I can't meet him and woo him over! Thoughts raced in Flash's mind over Spider-Man. Flash's thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock at the door and Liz's voice filled the room and the hall.

"Hey Flash! We gotta go, come on!" Liz called, Flash rushed to put his laptop away and he opened the door with his bag hanging on his shoulder. Liz and Betty stood there. Betty was n her phone and just followed them silently.

"Hey! Um are the others ready?" Flash asked Liz as the three made their way through the hall to Charles and Abe's room.

"No, we are just getting Abe, Charles, Ned and Peter. Sally is downstairs with the others." Liz said as she lightly knocked against the door and went through the same thing she did with Flash. A minute or two later the boys came and were talking about something Flash didn't care about. They came to Ned and Peter's room they saw Ned peek through the curtains before he scrambled away.

"Ned, Peter, we're going to be late." Liz knocked on the door, they heard Ned rushing around the room.

"Okay, okay. Hold on." Ned mumbled form inside the room before he opened the door.

"Where's Peter?" Liz asked, her eyes showed a hint of panic.

"Um, uh well. He- I woke up, and -uhh he wasn't there. I don't know where he went." Ned rushed out. Flash had an amused smile tug at his lips, he crossed his arms over his chest and watched what Liz had to say.

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