Chapter 4

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" Mother, they are downstairs, this is going to be so exciting when they find out what we have planned." 

" Lindsay dear, calm down if you want to make this work you have to be patient."

" I know, but I just can't wait for this to happen already."

Anna laughed at her daughter's impatience, " daughter these things have to take time, they don't  work over night."

" Ugh! I just want Holly to be my sister and happy with Wills, I just wish he wouldn't be so stubborn about this whole thing."

" Lindsay, you can't rush matters of the heart, not everything happens as fast as you would like them too." 

" Fine, but he better not ruin this whole plan by bringing that girl here."

" I know that you want Holly to be the one Will's wife, but sometimes men just don't think and jump into the first relationship that catches their fancies.'

" Well apparently every man but Will's."

Anna laughed at her daughter as she hugged her close to her. What she would do to be that young again. She loved her daughter's enthusiasm towards her friend, she felt the same way she did about her eldest son. Especially his feelings towards a certain Lady.


Lindsay all but ran down the stairs towards the sitting room where her best friend was. She stopped just outside the doors to compose herself. She could hear her mother and father conversing with Holly's parents. Will's was no where to be found, she had went to his room to hurry him along. She was disappointed to find he had already left for the evening going to a ball in London.

Lindsay walked in and curtsied and said her hello's to everyone present. She searched through all the faces to find Holly's. As she spotted her in the corner sitting all proper like, she smiled as she made her way over to her friend. Holly's face lit up as she spotted Lindsay, both girls hugged each other. 

Martha watched as her daughter  hugged Lindsay, she let it go for the time being for now. Holly had embarrassed them earlier with her stunt of rolling down the hills like a servant. She was a special girl and was meant for higher things than a Viscount. She knew that they needed to plan her coming out ball. What it will be to have a season or two in London? She was actually looking forward to that.

Lindsay grabbed Holly's hand" let's go walk in the garden, I want to catch up on everything that has happened since we have been home."

Holly rose from her chair and smiled" well not much has happened, but I would like to stroll around the garden before dinner."

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