Holly was sitting on a bench waiting for Jessica and Lindsay to come back. She was scared about everything about the wedding night. She would have rather went blind into the union then knowing what her mother told her. She can't stop remembering over and over what was expected of her.
She heard voices coming towards her, she sat up straight in case it was not. Jessica came up to Holly alone, Lindsay must have told her what she had said, and knew that this was embarrassing to her. Jessica took one look at her and sighed" I can see that you are certainly upset about this whole thing. I am going need to know what was said."
Holly burst into tears," It is going to be so horrible, my mother was very discriptive of what was going to happen. I am so scared about it and I am not sure if I can marry ever."
Jessica sucked her breath in, " Holly, don't say that. Let's go over to that corner where it's quiet and out of ear shot. We are going to fix this one way or another okay."
Holly nodded her head, both girls walked over to a bench that was in a dark corner. As they seated themselves, Jessica got Holly to open up, she began telling her about the evening before. " I was drying my hair when my mother came in and started to talk to me. She told me that when a girl marries that there are certain duties that she has to do. One is make sure that she made her husband comfortable and never to fight with him. She told me that on my wedding night I was going to be put in a certain position and he, he, he was going to you know."
Jessica smiled" go on Holly, and don't be afraid to tell me anything."
Holly nodded her head" she told me that when my wedding night happened that the husband was going drag me to the master bed. He was going to rip my clothes off and force himself on me. What she told me how they force themselves on you, I can't repeat that part. It frightens me every time I think about it. Then she told me since it was going to be my first time, that is was going to hurt so bad that I was going to wish I was dead."
Jessica was pale in the face, " no wonder you are scared, she has misinformed you. She was most likely trying to scare you into not marrying William tomorrow."
Holly's face was on fire, she was so embarrassed about this whole issue. Then now Jessica is saying her mother had misinformed her about the whole matter. Great, why was her mother trying to ruin her wedding this time?
Jessica began to tell her the details of how it actually was, she made it sound wonderful. Like an adult fairytale, she didn't know if she could still go through with the whole wedding night. She still had what her mother told her on her mind. Now Jessica was giving her a different version, she liked hers better by far.
William was so worried about what was happening, Holly was not acting like herself. What was happening? Lindsay had walked with Jessica deeper into the garden, but she hadn't come and told him anything yet. He started to pace and run his fingers through his hair, Lord Chandler came over to him" Say there William, have you seen your lovely sister any where?"
The Duke's Lady
RomanceHolly was the youngest of ten kids, and the most beloved daughter of Lord John Campton. She befriends the Duke and Duchess's only daughter at the age of fourteen. After a near death experience, she was saved by her knight in shinning armor. William...