Chapter 6

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I had only five minutes left until the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Which meant only five minutes until I was alone with Blake, in a car. I was staring at the clock, biting my lip. Waiting for the clock to reach the six. I wasn't paying attention to the teacher which I knew would end up being bad.

The bell rang and students started rushing to the door trying to be the first one out. Some kids on their way out lightly pushed me away from the door. Making me the last one out of the class. I walked out of the classroom with my head down looking at my feet. I walked to my locker and grabbed my books, shutting my locker after. A boy that looked to be around my age walked up to me and smiled at me. I smiled back to him, glad that at least somebody doesn't hate me, and was nice enough to give me a reassuring smile.

Then, all of a sudden his smile turned into a frown and he started to glare at me. Like a switch turning on and off. His demeanor changed within seconds. He roughly pushed me back, causing me to lose my footing and fall to the ground. My books flying everywhere. I tried to get up but he had better plans. He kicked my side hard and kicked me in the back of the head. I fell back to the floor with a thud. By now the hallways were empty so there was nobody to help me. "We don't like newbies here. I think it's best if you leaved. No one wants you here!" He yelled out at me.

The guy kicked me hard in the face, successfully splitting my lip. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up to my feet. Then, with all the strength he had, he pushed me into the brick wall next to the lockers. I crumpled to the floor, curling up into the fetal position. My vision was starting to blur and my head was killing me. The guy kicked me in the side twice. This made me move my arms down to cover my stomach, which left my head wide open. He kicked my head, hitting the side of my head, right near the temple. I let out a scream because the pain was so overwhelming. My head pounded and my vision was turning black. I just let the darkness over come me. I welcomed it with open arms.

I woke up in a strange room. It was a gigantic room with a large flat screen TV and a large king size bed that I was currently laying on. I was tucked neatly under the blankets. I didn't know where I was and I was very confused as to how I got here, so I let out an ear piercing scream. I quickly tried to get out of the bed but was met with a rush of pain in my head and stomach. I screamed again because of the pain and fell to the floor crying. The door was flung open and somebody rushed in, quickly coming over to me and kneeling beside me on the ground.

They lightly touched my arm. I screamed again afraid the person was going to hurt me. "Rachel! It's me, Blake! It's ok! It's just me!" Yelled Blake. I immediately stopped screaming and turned towards him. I rested my head on his lap and closed my eyes, hoping the pain would go away. "you're ok now. I've got you." Blake said while lightly stroking my hair. Tears were silently falling down my face. "It hurts" I quietly whispered to Blake. "I know, it'll be okay Rachel." My heart skipped a beat when he said my name like that, with so much emotion. It almost seemed like... He cared about me.

I slowly started to fall asleep from his gentle stroking through my hair. I felt my body being lifted up onto a soft mattress and a comforter was laid on top of me, the bed dipped next to me as Blake slid in next to me. I relaxed under his touch. "I will always protect you." Was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.


I hope everyone is enjoying the story and that they are actually reading it. This story is actually a werewolf story, but I will get into that later. Thanks for reading!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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