chapter 2

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*Present time*

I was taking a break from the mikaelson family in England I was enjoying myself talking to other witches and relaxing.

Until I got a call from Klaus.

"Hello Klaus how are you?" I asked beinv the curious person I am.

'Not good something terrible has happened.'

"What happened?"

'They killed him... They killed Kol.'

When he said that I lost it I feel to the ground screaming with rage and sadness tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Who did it?" I said deadly calm

'It was this group in mystic falls.'

"I'll be there shorty becasue I'm going to kill every last one of them one by one and tell them a monsters coming to kill." I fold Klaus deadly serious.

'Theres on other thing one's a hunter.'

"Klaus I don't give a fuck they killed him a d know im out for blood expect me there in a couple days." I hung up the phone.

I gathered my things and thought a plan to kill these people and bring back Kol.

Third person Pov
*few hours before Klaus called Noah*

Klaus sood at the door of the Gilbert home and watched as Elena and Jeremy killed his brother.

"What have you done!" Klaus shouted towards the siblings.

"He tried to kill jeremy and we protected ourselves." Elena said scard that Klaus might kill them.

Klaus chuckled dryly and smirked. "No you just started a war you can't win." He started to hear chanting and fell to his knees.

"Jeremy invite him in." Bonnie sais as she focused on the spell she has on him.

"What bonnie no he'll kill jeremy?" Elena argued

"No he won't now invite him in." Bonnie repeated

"Come in." Just as jeremy invited Klaus in he sped over towards the boy only to be stop by an invisible barrier

"That should hold him until we get the cure." Bonnie said

Klaus chuckled staring at the three who didn't realize what they have done.

"You guys are idiots you don't even know what you really have done do you?" He asked with a smirk beacuse he knew Noah would kill the all.

"What are you talking about?" Bonnie asked confused.

"My brother always had a partner in crime and he's alot older than all of us combined and extremely powerful and when he hears about this lets just say your all as good as dead." Klaus looked at the wall imagining Noah killing them without mercy.

"Who are you talking about?" Elena asked getting scard of who Klaus was talking about.

"Oh you'll meet him reallg soon hoping you might get away long enough." He looked at the group and continued "Alot don't know that we aren't the first vampires Noah is being over 5,000 years old and a tribrid no less I almost pity you almost." Klaus finished his speech and sat down at the table his brother died under.

"Wait did you say 5,000 years old?" Jeremy joined the conversation confused abouth the information he was given.

"Yes, and a tribrid hope you hade a fun life because it will end soon." Klaus said now ignoring their questions.

𝗟𝗜𝗙𝗘,  𝒌𝒐𝒍 𝒎𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐𝒏 (𝒐𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔)Where stories live. Discover now