chapter 1

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I walked over toward the big black barrel full of trash. Everyone was laughing at me, even Peyton. When lunch was over, It was 5th period, and it was time for math. Peyton isn't in my math class, but Becky is. I went to the bathroom before math, and I locked myself in a stall and cried. "I can't believe I thought Peyton would actually be my friend!"

I heard someone come into the bathroom, it was Peyton. "Emily, I know you're in here."

I tried to be as quiet as I could so she wouldn't think I was in here. "C'mon Emily, I can hear you breathing." She snared.

"How did you know I was in here?" I asked.

"Becky told me that you ran in here bursting into tears."

"I thought you were my friend, not Becky's." I started to tear up again.

"I can be friends with Becky if I want to." she hissed.

"But you just left me! I thought you were friends with me as well!" I cried out.

"Well, if Becky wanted to be friends with you, would you accept the offer?" she questioned, tilting her head to the side, giving me an innocent look that people fell for.

"If it meant leaving my friends behind, then no! Why would I? You know I am all alone, Peyton, and you took advantage of that!" I screamed, tears burning down my cheeks.

She let out a small laugh. "Emily, nobody took advantage of that. We just realized that we want to follow our paths, but that meant leaving people behind. Emily, you were weighing us down. We had to decide, Emily. To follow your path, or follow our own. And we're not going to listen to you."

There was so much anger bubbling inside me at the moment.

I finally erupted.

"You know what, Peyton, I'm fine with being unpopular! I can sure as hell live with this! Peyton, being popular is not the only thing in the world, you know!"

"I know. But it's a good thing."

I ran out of the bathroom rubbing the tears off my face as best I could, before I went to math. My face was blazing red. Everyone was laughing at me. I sat down at the back of the classroom. Out of the corner of my eye... I saw Becky texting someone. Then, she put her iphone 5c back in her pocket and glared at me. I felt a vibration in my pocket. I took out my phone and read the text she sent me.

"U r like, such a nobody."

My phone kept vibrating and texts kept showing up on the screen.

"Y don't u just, get lost."

"U don't belong anywhere except the garbage."

"F this... why am I even talking to you?"

"Go die in a hole u mother f-er."

I had enough. I shot up and screemed.

Everyone turned around and stared. It felt like knives sinking into me.

"What do you have against me?"

Becky stood up with fury in her eyes.

"You can't yell at me like that! It isn't my fault you are not popular you asshole!"

Then Becky's boyfriend ran up to me.

"What is your problem, you can't yell at me or Becky like that!"

I fired back at him, my voice filled with anger.

"Well, first of all, I never yelled at you, and second, why are you asking me what my problem is when you could be yelling at your idiot girlfriend who started this whole mess? She could have been paying attention and learning something, but instead, she decided to text me mean things. And I can sure as hell  yell at you like that if I want!"

I couldn't believe how many words came out of my mouth at once.

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