Memories of a forgotten past

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(Y/N)'s POV

As we were getting ready to head back to the house we saw Zorome and Miku arguing again. I chuckle at their antics, but as I do so I notice ZeroTwo is still sitting in the franxx just staring at the ground blankly, almost as if she was depressed

(Y/N): Hey, what's wrong ZeroTwo?

ZeroTwo: Nothing just... Thinking about something.

ZeroTwo then gets up and we start to walk out of the docking room, but not before we leave nana speaks to us.

Nana: Kids! Come down here, we need to talk. I have some good news for you!

We then make our way to ground level, where nana gathers us all around.

Nana: Tomorrow you are all to dress in your formal attire and meet at the boarding house at 0900 hours, got it?

Futoshi: Wait, formal?

Ichigo: Wait, What's happening?

Nana: Papa Valued what you all had achieved in combat so far very highly. As such this is still not a normality, all of you are to be awarded to medals.

Futoshi: Wait! Medals?

Zorome: What are those?

Nana: The ceremony will be held in the plantation parliament HQ

Ichigo: Wait, Really?

Goro: Wait doesn't that mean....

Futoshi: Heck yeah, We did it Zorome, aren't ya happy?

Zorome: What are you talking about?

Miku: You Idiot, Have you even been listening? Were gonna be allowed into the city!

Zorome then has a face of awe on him after he figures out what's happening, after that he screams for joy knowing where we were going tomorrow.

Goro: guess he's pretty happy about that huh.

Futoshi: Yeah, as he should be.

(Y/N): I mean yeah he has been waiting a very long time for this.

As I finish talking I notice ZeroTwo turn around and start walk out of the room but before she can make it to the door nana stops her.

Nana: Hold up, ZeroTwo

ZeroTwo: What?

Nana: This seems to be convenient timing. While we're there you have been scheduled for some testing.

ZeroTwo: You know I hate those tests.I always feel lousy after. Besides I'm doing great right now. So I think I'm gonna have to pass on the tests for a while.

Nana: And here I thought she was becoming more obedient since she was paired with a certain someone.

We all then head back and get into our formal wear and meet in the front room. While the others are talking about how Zorome looks, I was busy observing ZeroTwo, as I do so Hachi and Nana open the door to the house and tell us to follow them. We quickly make our way to the city and walk into the parliament.

???: You are the first children to even be welcomed here. This is truly a great honor. I would hope that you consider this a great day of price for the foreseeable future. Please live up to the honor that has been bestowed upon you, and make even more contributions to this plantation.

Are you the squad leader?

He then looked at Ichigo.

Ichigo: Yes! Im code 015

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