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Aimee was sitting at her couch while looking at the picture of her and her ex-boyfriend, Asher. They broke up year ago. She was blaming her self. If she only listen to him. If she only understood him, they will not break up. She was crying all night remembering the day she met Asher.

' even after time passes, I don't think I can forget you yet'

~ Flashback ~

Aimee was sitting on the bench near the river. She was enjoying the view that she was watching. She was so occupied by the view that she didn't know someone sat beside her. "Hello" the boy said. She looked at her side and saw the boy smiling at her. "Hi" she replied "enjoying the view?" The boy asked then Aimee nodded "when I am here all of my stress went away" she said "how about you?" She asked him "nothing, I just passed by" he answered "by the way, I'm Asher. You?" Asher said and took out his hand for a hand shake "Aimee" she answered and they shake hands.

Minutes past they are still sitting at the bench. "By the way, what school are you attending?" Asher answered "oh Unisen, University" she answered "oh, really? Unisen is my school too" he said "then we will see each other more often" Aimee said then Asher chuckle "what about we always eat lunch and snack together" he suggested "what about your friend?" "Oh, I didn't eat with them" he answered "okay, I would love too" Aimee answered. Suddenly, Aimee's phone vibrated. She took it and saw a message from her best friend. 'Aimee, where are you. I'm waiting here for hours now' her best friend texted. She immediately stood up, "I need to go now. See you tomorrow" she said to Asher.

~ End of Flashback ~

Aimee cried again thinking that time. Her best friend went to her and comforted her. "Aimee, please stop crying now. You're always crying" her best friend said "I can't help myself crying, when I remember him again" she said "it's okay, I know you will moved on right away" she said

'my heart hurts so I only think of you, my love longs for you, searches for you'

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