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Aimee just walking not minding the surrounding around her. She was thinking of him again. The time that both of them are still happy and not fighting. She was staring at the ground while thinking about him and her tears started to fall without her knowing.

'I walked while staring at the ground, but without knowing, I'm started crying at the thought of you'

She went to a convenience  store and buy Ice Cream. Whenever she was sad or thinking she always ate Ice Cream. After she pay the Ice Cream she went to a chair that was near at the glass window. She was enjoying her Ice Cream when she saw her Asher with his girl. Asher quickly turned back and walked at the opposite direction were Aimee was. Aimee run out of the convenience store and follow Asher. "Asher!" She shouted. Asher and her girl turned to her. "C-can we talk?" Aimee asked "sorry we're going somewhere important" Asher answered and walked away. "Wait! I just want to tell you, I love you" Aimee said and run away from them. She stop on her track and looked at the both of them. Asher was hugging his girl while crying. Aimee saw the tears that flowing on his cheek.

"Don't worry, Asher this will be the last time that I will show my face to you" - Aimee

"Why you just said it when I already moved on from you" - Asher

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