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Aimee and her best friend were eating at cafeteria. Aimee's mind was occupied by thinking on how she will finished all of her homework and projects, when she saw her ex-boyfriend with his girl on his arm. Both of them were laughing while talking to each other and that's Aimee's weakness. Seeing her love happy with someone else makes her hurt hurts so much. She remember the day when they used to be like that. She remember the day that Asher confessed to her, and she remember the day that they become officially couple.

'when I see you happy with someone, my heart keeps aching'

~ Flashback ~

Aimee and Asher were waling towards the cafeteria to eat. Asher's arms were on Aimee's shoulder. They both were telling each other the most embarrassing moment that they have, and it made them both laughing. "By the way do you have someone you like?" Asher asked Aimee who is busy picking her food on the tray. "Why you sudden asked?" Aimee asked him back "nothing, I'm just curious, you know we know each other 5 months ago and you didn't tell me about a guy you liked" Asher answered "well, yes, I do have someone I liked" Aimee answered "well, who is it?" Asher asked hoping that he was the one that she liked. "I will not tell you who is the one I liked, unless you tell me yours first" Aimee said while smirking "okay, I will tell you after class. Don't you dare run away" Asher said.

< After Class >

Asher and Aimee went to a park, where both of them first met. "So who is the one you liked?" Aimee asked "promise me you won't freak out" he said "I promise" she said "well, I'm planning to confess to her actually" he said and Aimee just nodded "Aimee, I've liked you since the first day I met you. You're always there for me when I need you. You always make me smile when I'm sad. And the most thing is you didn't care about what people would say. That's why the like that I have feelings for you become bigger and it turns out to love. I love you so much Aimee. Would you be my girlfriend?" Asher confessed to her "u-uh why so sudden?" She asked "I'm sorry if I shocked you, but I just want to tell you how much I loved you" he said "I LIKE you too, I-I'm just too shy to tell you" Aimee said "so would you be my girlfriend?" Asher asked her again "yes" Aimee answered

'you told me back then (you told me back then), that you loved me (that you loved me), I just miss it'

~ End of Flashback ~

Aimee run out of the cafeteria and went to the cubicle room. She cried and cried until she can't breath properly "Aimee, why did you run suddenly?" Her best friend asked. Aimee looked at her best friend and hugged her tightly "i-it hurts so much" she said while sobbing "you did see them again" Her best friend sighed "you know, you should really moved on. Asher already moved on from you" her best friend convinced her "I just really can't move on. I know I'm the one who insist to break up but I regret it. I loved him" she said "shhh, it's okay. You will moved on soon. Trust me"

'my heart hurts so I only think of you, my love longs for you, searches for you'

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