6: Flirting

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I was getting ready for my first interview of the day when Tyler came over to me.

   "If they ask about your relationship status, say you're single but have your eyes on someone. Dennis' orders." I nodded slowly.

   "What happened to not being able to control who I date?" I demanded. Surely they can't just tell me to say something untrue.

   "I know that! But we can tell you what to say. Remember, one wrong move and you're out," he warned. Right...

I was about to go in the interview room when Jonah came up to me. "Good luck! First interview of the year, how you feeling?"

"Thanks, I guess I'm a bit nervous but not really. I've been to so many interviews I kind of know what to expect, you know?" He agreed and we continued to speak for a few minutes then I had to go.

"Have fun," he said, kissing my cheek as he walked away. I blushed and touched my cheek. Oh my...


We are currently on the bus on the way to Why Don't We's interview. I'm sat at the front of the bus opposite Corbyn and Jack.

Jack Pov


I hate it. I hate the way that Corbyn looks at Harper, the way he acts around her, how much they flirt together. I absolutely hate it! Why can't I be good with girls? I never know how to act, or what to say, and I always get embarrassed - even though Harper told me not too. I guess that's one thing easier, but I'm still so nervous around her.

When we were in the hotel earlier I was going to tell her I like her, but I chickened out. Daniel keeps telling me to but I just can't get my words out.

I sighed.

Harper was looking at me now. She smiled at me, not really paying attention to what Corbyn was saying. I smiled back then she started to talk to Corbyn again. I'm really worried that Corbyn will take her from me. Or even Jonah! After all, I did see him kiss her cheek...

Corbyn Pov


I love talking to Harper, we just click. We have a lot in common and she's extremely pretty, I think I have a crush on her. She's just so perfect and I think I'm going to ask her on a date soon. But I want to get to know her better before I do.

I can't help but notice Jack glaring at me when I talk to her. I think he likes Harper too. Hopefully it's just me being insecure. I would love to be in a relationship with her.

Jonah Pov


During our interview, I couldn't help but stare at Harper who was sitting behind the camera. I already know what's going on with the other boys: they like her too, but I'm not letting that stop me from dating her because I know that she's right for me.

Harper Pov


   The boys were doing their interview. I was sat with Tyler, Jon and Zack and we were watching them from behind the camera. Out the corner of my eye, I could see Tyler and Jon whispering next to me. I heard them say my name so I turned around to look at them.

   "What?" I whispered sharply. Tyler turned around and unexpectedly stood up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the interview room and into the corridor. I was quite scared about what he was going to say to me.

   "I'm really happy with everything you're doing Harper. Jon and I were just saying about how well you're acting around the boys. Jack, Corbyn and Jonah already have a crush on you!" Jack, Corbyn AND Jonah?!

   "Wait really? You're not mad at me or anything?" Tyler was still smiling.

   "Not at all. I think playing with their feelings is good, especially in front of people. It gets us more publicity and the boys need girlfriends. Thank you so much, keep up the good work!"

He smiled at me once more then went back into the room, leaving me stood there in shock. I didn't mean to play with their feelings. I think I know why Tyler thinks that though. I've been flirting with them and I didn't realise that they all liked me. I guess I need to make my mind up before this gets out of hand because I don't want to hurt any of them. Maybe I'll stay away from them for a bit so they don't think I'm favouriting one of them.

When the boys finished, we got back on the bus to go to my last interview location.

Since it's quite a while away, I went in my bunk and just chilled on my phone for a while. I texted Jayden about what Tyler said and she's freaking out.

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   I'm going to take Jayden's advice

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I'm going to take Jayden's advice. I'll spend as much time as I can with who I like and then hopefully, just hopefully, something will happen between us...

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