Red Riding Hood Goes Bowling For a Surprise: Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to Angelic-girl for making my cover.....which is amazing...might I add......Way to go Girl!!!!! I also put it to the side so it might be bigger......oh and technology hates me right now..........just thought I'd mention that.........

Alpha! Hell no! I resumed my struggles against Conner’s arms still restraining me. I do not want to be in the same house let alone room with the asshole. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see the jerk or the two traitors holding me captive, as footsteps echoed into the kitchen.

“Come on Vanessa please let me explain.” The voice turned my blood to ice and made me freeze in my spot. I still didn’t look at him, afraid my eyes would turn to dust on contact with any part of him, but especially those evil green eyes.

“Come on Vanessa can you look at me? My mother always said to look in a girl’s eyes when you’re apologizing.” I kept shaking my head refusing to look at anything, favoring the darkness. I felt the familiar tingles shoot up and down my arm from the strong hands touching my shoulder.

“Get your hands off of me.” I said, resuming my attempts to get free. I managed to kick Conner in the shin, but that didn’t get me anywhere. Caleb’s arm still hasn’t left my shoulder.

“Calm down Vane.” Tim said from my left. They don’t get it. I have to do this. I know I can’t get Caleb, but I can get Conner. I position my leg and get ready to fire. Conner catches on to late and my kick hits my target perfectly. I feel a wince of pain and a wave of guilt all in one as Conner fell to the ground clutching his family jewels.

“Vanessa please calm down and let the man explain. Think about it you just hurt someone who considers you a sister over friend and Luna.” Tim said. I heard a ruffle of clothing and a muttered ‘you okay dude’ afterwords. I guess Tim was being his brotherly self and checking on Conner. I really do feel bad for doing that but I had too.

The tingles had gone since I hit Conner, but now they returned to the top of my shoulder. I rolled my eyes under my lids and said. “Back off Caleb. Or the next time I leave your sight I’ll take your family jewels with me.”

“Damn. Caleb you sure got you hands full with this one. She’s going to be one hell of a Luna.” Conner had the balls to say that around me? Didn’t he already learn his lesson? It’s why he’s on the ground.

“I refuse to be his Luna right now. He already rejected me anyway by kissing that whore.” I spat at Conner.

“We’ll be back boys.”

“Of course Alpha.” I felt Caleb tighten his hold on my shoulder while reaching down. I caught on to his movements a moment to late, I was already being held bridal style by Caleb. The tingles burned my skin where Caleb and I connected.

“Later boys.” Caleb turned on the spot with me trying to get my way out of his arms. I eventually just gave up and let him carry me wherever he wanted to take me. We were running through the woods for a good while before he set me down in a clearing. I started to walk away, but he stepped in front of me.

“Take me back Caleb.”

“I will as soon as you listen to me.” I raised my eyebrow, but I stayed quiet and let him talk. “Thank you. I admit I was in the wrong by letting the kiss continue, but I didn’t initiate the kiss. I was going to sit there and surprise you when you walked out of the movie. Camila came and started talking to me and before I knew it she kissed me. When you blew up at me I tried to go after you, but I knew it was hopeless. I rounded on her and asked her why she did that because everyone in the pack knows you’re my mate. She said that a pathetic human doesn’t deserve to be the Luna of a great pack such as ours and that she was determined to make me see that she was my better match.”

Red Riding Hood Meets The Wolf: Book One (and Two) of The Hunted Series. (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now