Red Riding Hood, The Werewolf Hunter: Chapter 9

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“You’re a Werewolf Hunter, Vanessa.” I wasn’t expecting that to come out of his mouth. How will this affect us? Can I control it around him? How did this happen? How did I become this? How did I become a killing machine?

“We had a couple things happen to confirm it. One was the wolfs bane and lavender burning. It helps with a wolfs first shift by keeping the Hunters away. When Sam shifted it triggered the Hunter in you. That’s why we always do it in a house and board up the windows because every time a Hunter sees a werewolf change the Hunter gene starts becoming dominant. We burn the flowers to keep them at bay. We’ve been able to almost eradicate them because of it.”

“How do you know these things about Hunters?”

“My Grandmother was a Hunter. She meet my Grandfather and they were mates. Luckily she was a Hunter in training. She was going to accept the honor later in the week, she refused it instead to be with my Grandfather. She had learned a lot about the Hunter’s by then and was able to tell us. She hid from her mother who was one of the greatest Hunters and remained hidden until my Father was six.”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to Caleb.”

“Thank you, but it’s fine. My grandparents went for a stroll and were soon surrounded by Hunters. They killed off three of the Hunters, but they were outnumbered and quickly defeated. My Grandmother had the option of abandoning the pack and joining the Hunters or dying like the dog she was she had just lost her mate and was devastated she choose to die with my Grandfather. Her mother came forward and did the job herself.

The beta became Alpha until my dad shifted and he took over. Soon he found my mom a daughter of the Hunters she ran away from them to be with my father. My uncle turned out to be her protector and so she never had to leave the house and be in danger.

My dad decided he wasn’t going to take the same chance his parents did. While she was pregnant with me he lead a mission to destroy all the Hunters in a five mile radius. He defeated the last one as I was born.”

“Oh god. I’m so sorry Caleb.”

“It’s nothing, but now you’re a Hunter and a Luna. You have to make a choice.” My ring tone went off as he was about to say what my choice was.


“Vanessa? Get home right now. Don’t talk to anyone. I need to talk to you.”

“Okay Grand-mama.” I hung up and turned to Caleb. I was about to say something when Caleb put a finger to my lips.

“Your Grandma said no talking to anyone.”

‘That doesn’t mean I can’t think to anyone.’ I said through our mind link.

‘No it doesn’t.’ I thought back to the tingle I felt in my lips in the training room and I guess he saw what I was thinking.

‘Caleb? What are you hiding?’

‘I kissed you to try and bring you back. It worked a little, but not completely.’ He kissed me? Visions of our first in my room crossed my mind and I didn’t know if they were from Caleb or my own. I’m starting to wish he made it last longer. Caleb smirked at me and I mentally face-palmed myself for thinking that while I was still in the mind link.

I closed my eyes in humiliation and I felt the familiar fire in my lips again. I opened my eyes to see Caleb kissing me. I closed my eyes and moved my lips with his. He licked my lips and I granted him entrance. His hot breath mingled with mine as our tongues danced.

‘I’m thinking some very naughty thoughts right now.’

‘Caleb. You know I have to get home.’

Red Riding Hood Meets The Wolf: Book One (and Two) of The Hunted Series. (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now