Chapter two : Plan fails

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-Yoongi pov-

Yoongi- " Take me to my victim's house quick." (opens a bottle of champagne)

Man- " yes sir" (starts driving)

I gently pour a glass of champagne, feeling the tiny sparkles coming from it. And drank it quick with a full smirk on my face. I then pour another glass.

A few minutes had already passed. And i was now feeling the urge to frown. The car was still spread with full of silence since the beginning i got on, which made the ride even longer to me.

oh well...

Yoongi- " You know..." (mumbles)

Man- " yeah sir..?" (looks at the mirror to see yoongi)

Yoongi- " You i got like this?" (stares at the man in the mirror)

The man looked at me a bit confused on the small mirror. I was now starting to glare hard. I hate it when someone doesn't respond to me quick. The man seems to know me better, so he quickly responds.

Man- " a-ah no sir, i don't understand what you mean by that"

why is he so dumb??
In three seconds, i pulled out my pistol from my side and hold it up close to his head. Making him flinch at my quick action. I then went close to his ear and speaked calmly.

Yoongi- " I am what i am because..."

Yoongi-  "..when i make an order and want it as soon as possible, i expect it on a snap of a finger! So drive faster bastard!"

Man-  " y-yes sir!"  (presses on the go pedal)

Yoongi-  " good boy"   (drank from him glass and still have the gun pointing at the man)


-Sunhi pov-

Sunhi- " L-lisa did you heard that?"

Lisa- " yeahh it sounded like a gun shot" (froze)

I looked down at our items that were in our hands, and had quickly came up with an idea. I handed lisa another spray paint can and looked at her.

Sunhi-  " lets do this quick before he comes home"

Lisa-  "okay"

We headed a little more to the dark shade side, and begin spray painting. We were then spraying nonstop until we ran out of paint. Until we knew when to leave. I smiled widely, imagining the look on hyunjin's face when he sees this.

..Hope you love it, hyunjin


???1-  " Hyung! it isn't fair!"  (walking back & forth)

???2-  " what isn't fair ?"   (raise an eyebrow)

???1-  " how come tae can go anywhere he wants and whenever he wants, and i can't ??"

???2-  " you know you can't."  (smoking)

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