Big Fun {Chapter 2}

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Before he knew it, Kurt was being pulled into a room. He wasn't sure how, or even when he had gotten there, and honestly, couldn't see anything. Blindfolded, maybe?

As his blindfold was untied, it fell off to reveal the very source of his fantasies. But... No homo. He watched as Ram pulled up porn silently. The taller boy then looks at the shorter, turning his office chair to follow his head.

"What are we gonna do?" Kurt asked, as Ram smiled. "Dude, I'm really fucking horny. I figured that you could keep an eye on me tonight. Make sure that I don't make any girls pregnant." Although it was an odd request, Kelly complied, then looking over to the desktop.

"You gonna jerk so you aren't so horny anymore?" Kurt asked, hoping that this was the case. "Yep." Kurt smiled, then watching the desktop's screen, as Ram pulled straight porn up on it. Sweeney pulled his pants down, rubbing the bulge through the underwear.

To say this was pleasing Kurt was an understatement. His own bulge was slowly starting to show. Kelly used a book to cover this, which, to his relief, Ram was too deep into his masturbation to care. "You just gonna watch?" Ram laughed slightly as Kurt's face was flushed.

But... Ram was right. So Kurt joined him, soon beginning to moan quietly as he watched the video. One of the guys hair looked just like Ram's. Kurt began to imagine that he was the chick getting banged, moaning louder before stopping. His hands were being held still.

"Dude, you're doing it wrong." And to both Kurt's horror and relief, Ram reached for his cock. "Let me show you how it's done."

{Smut Warning} Big Fun {Kurt Kelly X Ram Sweeney}Where stories live. Discover now