Where are the socks?

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Kurt was startled when his name was called out, and he stumbled to the ground, flattening his body to the ground. "Kurt??" The voice called out once more.

Kurt zipped his pants back up, panicking as he waited for the person to go away. He knew that wasn't happening, however. Finally, he got up, going to the door and opening it, eyes trained on the ground.

Ram followed the Male's gaze. "What's so interesting about the floor?" He asked, then lifting Kurt's chin so that the boy's gaze would meet his own. He smiled softly when he saw those pretty eyes.

"Hey- It's okay... All guys do it." He patted Kurt on the back when Kurt's eyes welled up with tears. "All guys masturbate." Kurt huffed. For once, he actually though Ram had gotten it.

Kurt grabbed Ram's shoulders, shaking them firmly. "Ram!" He shouted, then combing a hand through his hair, then taking a deep breath. "I.... I think that I like you, okay? Like-- I wouldn't mind if you had asked me to fuck or some shit."

Ram gasped, his face, along with Kurt's lighting up in a bright red. Ram stuttered out "You- Like me?" He asked slowly.

"...Yeah..." Kurt answered. But his grip was broken free from. "Dude! That's disgusting!" And Ram fled the house, door slamming behind him.

Sorry :)

{Smut Warning} Big Fun {Kurt Kelly X Ram Sweeney}Where stories live. Discover now