Chap. 18- Vicinity

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Tuesday, 18th of July

1 week in captivity

[y/n]'s head shot up, pieces of her breakfast crumbling from her face. "What!?"

But no one was really minding the girl's expression of concussion. The members who just announced to dismiss themselves started to rise from their chairs, turning their backs on her as they drew back towards the corridor.

"No, wait!" The captive hastily jumped from her seat, almost entangling her own legs. She paced after the three males, targeting the tall blond in the middle. But before she had come anywhere near Katsuro's radius, a hand grabbed her by the collar and pulled her backwards. Isamu glowered down at her, having her in his grasp. Don't. you. Dare. was the clear message daggering from his orbs. [y/n] huffed. "Then, at least leave me Yasu here!" She shouted, her bold request holding the hope of the slender boy's protection, remembering how he managed to keep the flamehead off her more than once. But just as the name sounded from her mouth, the strange incident from last night flashed through her mind; likewise, the perception of her flightiness kicked in. Immediately, she pressed her lips shut. Yet her sudden outburst had not only caught the stunned bluehead's attention, it also caused the leader to finally look at her.

"Oh?" Katsuro, without doing so much as glancing over his shoulder with an interested smirk, raised one eyebrow. "How comes you suddenly want a particular one of us around you?" Sarcastic glee resonated in his teasing voice. "However, request dismissed". And with the waving of his hand, he also waved the matter of, proceeding his way further down the hallway.

"And you, you go in there" Isamu began to shove her towards the heavy iron door. In the last split of a second before her field of vision was pulled to the side, she saw Katsuro turning the corner to the office.

"You've just let me out!" The captive complained, attempting to point out the mere fifteen minutes of separation from the cell, as the tall man tried to push the struggling girl into the narrow quarters. And to her wonderment, the ravenhead did not just lock her in- He slipped with her through the entrance, letting the barrier fall shut behind the both of them.

[y/n] swallowed the pent up air in her throat. It took some seconds before her eyes adjusted to the tenuous illumination, and in this moment of blindness she felt like a mouse trapped in a cage with a lion. Unfortunately, the sensation did not vanish even when she saw the intruder clearly again.

And Isamu was surprisingly close.

With a suppressed shriek, she immediately took a wide step backwards, clumsily setting her feet and eventually landing on her lower half. She peered up at the tall male. With a stressed exhale he took same paces closer to the anxious female. She responded to the minimizing distances with carefully shuffling backwards. Eventually reaching the end of the parochial cubicle, she pressed her back against the mural. Isamu, with a stern yet unreadable expression, crouched down in front of her.

Is this how I am going to die? [y/n] pressed her lids shut, sending her last prayers to the sky and waited for whatever kind of action would fulfill her brutal imagination.

"Are you stupid? Open your eyes"

The perplexed girl unintentionally did as told. He still sat in front of her in the same position, making no move that would reveal any kind of intention to attack- yet. Quite the opposite: He obviously felt galled by the captive's overhasty and weird behavior, furrowing his brows.

He took in a deep breath, shortly straying his focus to the ground before looking back at her. "If those two idiots misbehave- and I can't say whom of them both you should be more cautious about- You will tell me. Understood?"

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