Chap.21- Somberness

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As Katsuro had recruited Akito, he already knew about the newbie's big potential. Isamu had used the youngster's talents to form him into a hot- blooded, cold- hearted combat machine. If it weren't for his short temper, the boy would be able to fight on even higher levels.

The training had been rough. Broken noses, broken pride, external and internal bleeding. Weeks without daylight. Days without sustenance. Several hours without sleep. But all the sweat and blood had been worth it,and now he was one of the four most important underlings among the hundreds of men Katsuro commanded through the underground. A thing that was especially important to the leader, while training his favorites, was that their capability to attack and defend existed no matter the circumstances, no matter under what conditions. That included fighting in enchained positions, fighting while being severely wounded, and fighting in complete murkiness.

Right now, Akito was surrounded by darkness. But that didn't restrict his abilities in the slightest of way. He sensed the corners of the narrow room. He heard the female's uneven breathing. He strove forward, as silent as an owl's wing beat. The redhead knew, his prey was mere meters away from him, and he knew the direction in which it tried to escape. The scent of her sweat and the iron smell of blood gave away her location. He reached out his arm, exactly aware of her position, prepared to grasp her as he lashed forward- And would have caught her, if it weren't for the brief sensation that stroke his back. Irritated, he flung around. With cautious steps, he followed the direction the touch had emerged from. Suddenly, something solid hit his head with a dull noise, causing himto let out a hiss of surprise and pain. A second one followed, yet again from another course, playing with his orientation. A bang thundered through the quarters as another item collided with the iron door.

[y/n] had shoved herself in the corner, squatting on her mattress. Firstly, the mat underneath swallowed every sound she made and secondly, in this place her attacker at least couldn't surprise her from behind. Her heart banged inside her chest, probably loud enough for him to hear. Blindly fumbling through the darkness in search for something handy,her hand closed around an uneven orb. She remembered the different things Katsuro had once placed into the cell, among them old books and sweet apples. These now finally came to a use. One after one, she sent the fruits and literature flying through the blackness, purposely aiming at different angles. She had absolutely no clue where her aggressor was hidden. A thunder banged through the room as the missile hit resistance. Now knowing the location of the metal door, the girl proceeded to throw the items in the same course. Echo after echo boomed through the basement. If the captive was lucky enough, someone would find her before the redhead did. This presupposed that the noises weren't simply ignored.

[y/n]'s fingers traced the surrounding. Each second in which silence filled the atmosphere, with only her own, flat panting to be heard, she feared to be spotted. The trepidation in her veins reached a new maximum as she had to realize that there was no other object in her reach. Suppressing a sharp exhale, she shoved herself against the wall, holding her breath as she eavesdropped into the darkness. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. But she sensed something: A shifting on the mattress, mere inches next to her.

"Got you~"

The shriek of terror got suffocated by the big palm pressing on her mouth. The female began to strike out for her invisible opponent- Her wrist being caught mid air. A sharp pain rushed up to her shoulder as her arm became twisted on her back. Soon after, her ankles were kicked hardly, sweeping her off her feet. She landed on the soft bed. The attacker on top of her. And she needed no light to know that his lips hovered right next to her ear.

His warm tidal air traced her skin, his scent crawled into her nose. For amoment, that seemed endless to the trapped girl, nothing happened at all. The adrenaline rushing through her veins kept her tired muscles in tension and her strained mind sane. Not being able to fight did not mean to be helpless. [y/n] had yet another ace up her sleeves.

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