Chapter 8

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"Do you want me?"

Taehyung filled with a feeling he never felt before. His heart went on a pace at which he thought he was going to have a heart attack. His hands were shaking.

Jeongguk swiped his tongue over his now dried lips. Gently, but hard enough, Jeongguk bit the cartilage of Taehyung's ear. He felt satisfaction when Taehyung let out a stifled moan. He backed away and turned Taehyung's face toward him, staring deeply into his chestnut brown orbs.

Taehyung gasped as his lips connected with Jeongguk's. His expression filled with shock but soon he melted into the kiss. Jeongguk snaked his arm around Taehyung's waist and to his back as Taehyung closed his eyes.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck, letting him support his weight. Taehyung enjoyed the feeling of Jeongguk's lips against his. The feeling was like no other.

Jeongguk swiped his tongue on Taehyung's bottom lip. Taehyung, being clueless and new to this, keep his mouth shut. Jeongguk slipped his hand inside Taehyung's shirt.

Taehyung moaned and Jeongguk took that chance. Taehyung reached his hands into Jeongguk's hair and tugged slightly out of pleasure as Jeongguk's tongue swiftly moved around inside his hot cavern, exploring every bit of it.

As Taehyung's lungs started to scream for air, Jeongguk pulled away. His dark orbs observed the sight in front of him.

Taehyung was panting, trying to catch his breath. A bit of saliva hung on his red, puffy lips. His eyes begged for more as the rising of his chest started to slow.

Jeongguk's eyes fell to the unmarked skin on his neck. His hands intertwined with Taehyung's and he raised his hands above his head.

Taehyung held back his moan as Jeongguk bit down on his collarbone. His grip tightened on Jeongguk's hands as his mouth betrayed him and let out several moans.

Jeongguk bit and sucked on the skin of Taehyung's neck and collar, leaving red marks covering Taehyung's neck. Taehyung's moans echoed in his ears.

A loud knock on Jeongguk's door made the both of them freeze. Jeongguk straighted his back and turn to the door as Taehyung slid down to the floor with his back on the wall.

"Who is it?" Jeongguk asked the unknowned being behind his door.

"Yoongi." The other replied. Jeongguk internally sighed. He went over and opened the door. "Uri called for you."

"Oh okay." Jeongguk simply replied. Yoongi's gaze lowered then immediately returned to Jeongguk's eyes.

"We aren't going camping anytime soon y' know." Yoongi said before walking away.

Jeongguk wore a confused expression then internally screamed. Jeongguk closed his door and turned to Taehyung who still was on the floor.

Taehyung's face was a bright red and he seemed... tired. His neck was decorated with red and slightly purple bruises.

"Did I just..." Taehyung spoke with disbelief in his voice. His eyes turned up to Jeongguk.

"Make out with the prince?" Jeongguk raised an eyebrow. Taehyung nodded. "No. You made out with a random guy who just happens to have Jeon blood and the same name as the 2nd prince."

Taehyung laughed at Jeongguk's sarcasm. Jeongguk laughed along with him. "It's hard to believe you're the same person as before."

"I have sides." Jeongguk shrugged. "I have to go and help or something with Uri."

Taehyung nodded and got himself off the floor. As Jeongguk twisted the doorknob, Taehyung grabbed his sleeve.

Jeongguk looked back in response, releasing the doorknob which reclosed the door.

"What are we?" Taehyung asks. Jeongguk looked into his eyes and felt guilt. His eyes looked sad and distant. Why? He didn't know.

"We're simply servant and... master." Jeongguk responded. "We're nothing more, even if I wanted us to be." Jeongguk's eyes filled sadness.

Jeongguk exited his room and headed for Uri's bed chambers. The door was opened so he let himself into the room.

Uri sat on her bed looking at some paper. When she heard the footsteps of her older brother she set the papers down on her dresser and looked toward him.

"You need something?" Jeongguk asks. Uri shakes her head, signalling a no. She looks at Jeongguk with worry in her eyes.

"I just need to talk." Uri patted the spot next to her on the bed. Jeongguk came over and sat next to her.

"What do you need to talk about?" Jeongguk asks. Uri lays her head on his shoulder and wraps her arm around his. Jeongguk let her lay there for a moment until she was ready to talk.

"Oppa?" Uri called out to her older brother. Jeongguk hummed in response. "Is Taehyung a jealous type?"

"I don't know." Jeongguk looked at her raising an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Well, he might get the wrong idea from this." Jeongguk blushed.

"What are you talking about? He has no reason to be jealous."

"You can't hide it from me." Uri smirked. Jeongguk's blush grew.

"Taehyung just works for me, that's all." He tries to reason.

"Works on your dic-"

"NO!!" Jeongguk yells, audible to the servants passing by. "What gives you that idea?"

Uri slipped her arm out and crossed her arms over her chest. "Don't lie to me, Jeongguk. I know what's going on."

"No you don't. You're just assuming things."

"I was outside when you and Taehyung were 'playing around." Uri says making air quotes with her slender fingers. "And when you marked him too."

Jeongguk's face turned a bright red. "What?! How did you see? The door was closed."

"So you did do that?" Jeongguk shut his lips tight, regretting talking and thinking about the way he had worded that. "No wonder you like him. He's pretty and has a pretty voice too." Uri teased her older brother.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah, sure." Uri said sarcastically. "I've never seen you react like this." She said, which was true.

Jeongguk's expression softened. "So you wanted to talk about something, what was it?"

Uri sighed. "I guess I have to get to it." She took Jeongguk's hand into her own and placed it on her lower abdomen.

Jeongguk scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion until he felt it. Another life form. How is this possible? He asked himself.

"Oppa, I'm pregnant."

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